Add smartfund mandate options - investment category

Add smartfund mandate options - investment category

The Smartfund logic to place bids automatically for investors, makes use of mandates that are defined by investors to ensure that bids are placed as per their financial requirements. These mandates will be able to be defined by finance company users on behalf of investors. There are different levels of investors, and all will have a different level of mandate sophistication e.g. Wholesale, Retail, etc. 

In order to cater and allow for this, the finance company will be able to determine which of the possible mandate options are available for the different investor categories. This is to allow more simple mandates for retail investors and more complex mandates for institutional investors.

Please note that the smartfund mandate options need to be defined first, before the mandates are setup for the investment categories or the investors.

In order to define the smartfund product mandates for the investment categories, follow the steps below:

1. Log in to Clearmatch Fusion:

2. Navigate to Home Pages > Investing: 

3. Select Investment Categories under Setup

4. Once navigated to the List Investment Categories page, select from the list of available categories, the investment category that the smartfund product mandate needs to be defined for:

5. The Display Investment Category page for the selected Investment Category is shown: 

6. Once the correct investment category has been selected, click on the Action Panel   > Smartfund > Add Smartfund Mandate Options:

7. Enter the Effective Date (the actual date that the changes will be applied), and click on the check boxes to enable the options that are required for the mandates that are specific to applications:

Once the required options have been selected, click on the  button to continue.

8. On the Borrower section, click on the check boxes to enable the options that are required for the mandates that are specific to the borrower:

Once the required options have been selected, click on the  button to continue.

9. On the Portfolio section, click on the check boxes to enable the options that are required for the mandates that are specific to the investors entire portfolio: 

Once the required options have been selected, click on the  button to continue.

10. On the Asset Class section, click on the check box to enable the investor to speciiffy asset class mandate details: 

Once the required options have been selected, click on the  button to continue.

11.  On the Authorisation screen, the credentials (namely the authorisation code) of the person creating the mandate and the username and authorisation code for a supervisor needs to be entered:

Click on the  button to create the new mandate option. The  button can be selected to return to the previous step or the  button can be selected to return back to the Display Investment Category screen.

12. Once all of options have been selected and added, you will return to the Display Investment Category screen where you can view the recently added smartfund mandate options by selecting the Smartfund Mandate Options association tab (available from the drop down list or quick link if enabled):

NOTE: To locate the smartfund mandate options that have been created recently, on the Filter Options screen, change the View Detail to Most Recent. To locate all of the smartfund mandate options that have been created for that investment category, change the View Detail to All.  Remember to select the  button to display all of the records based on the View Detail.

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