Adding an originator to an originator group

Adding an originator to an originator group

Originator groups may have many branches or dealerships or departments etc whic are referred to as originators. Originators will allow Originator groups to be broken down to an additional level. 

1. To add an originator to an Internal originator group, navigate to Configuration -> Organisational Structure 

2. Select the Internal Originator Groups under Originator Groups 

3. Select the Internal Originator Group that you need the Originator to be added from the Internal Originator Groups list

4. Once you have selected the Internal Originator Group go to Actions Menu -> Functions -> Add Originator 

5. Then you will be directed to the Add Originator page and enter the details 

Customer               : Search and select the Organisational Customer.; Only customers that user has access to can be searched as determined by the ownership group. 
Description            : Add the Name or description for the Originator 
Originator Code    : Provide an unique code which contains no spaces and special characters. Once saves the users are not allowed to change this code. 
Ownership Group : Select the Ownership Group from the drop down list 
Default                   : Tick on this tick bx if you need to make the originator default. But there can be only one default originator per originator group. 

6. Click on Save to complete adding the Originator to the selected Internal Originator Group. 

7. Once you have added the Originator you will be able to see the newly added Originator in the  Originator Tab (if quick links are enabled) or from the drop down.

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