Where are finance agreement funds disbursed by default

Where are finance agreement funds disbursed by default

There is a business rule in Clearmatch that will allow you to select where the finance agreement funds will be disbursed by default i.e. if specific instructions for disbursement are not supplied on the application.

1. Go to Configuration-> Organisational structure -> Originator Group Products 

2. Use the filter option to find the correct originator group and product. 

3. Select the business rule tab option either from the drop down list or quick link, if enabled.

4. Check using the search bar on the right to see whether finance agreement business rule has been created.

5. Business rules cannot be modified. If the rules change then a new business rule must be created with the effective date that it will be applied. Create a new one by going to  Actions- > Business rules - > Finance Agreement

6.  Select the "Finance Agreement Disbursement" option drop down which will contain the different default disbursements available examples; Approved Payee, Borrower, Originator, Insurer. 

7. If the originator option is selected, then the funds will be disbursed to the originator. If the approved payee is selected then the funds will be disbursed to the approved payee assigned to the application. If the borrower is selected the funds will be disbursed to the borrower etc.

8. Click on Save button to apply the changers to the finance Agreement business rule. 

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