Override an arrears status against a finance agreement

Override an arrears status against a finance agreement

The arrears status for a finance agreement can be manually changed or over ridden.

It is important to note that arrears letters will only be sent out and the associated arrears fees charged if the finance agreement has an arrears status that is equal to the arrears status assigned to the arrears letter. Changing the arrears status on a finance agreement could prevent arrears letters being sent out and associated arrears fees being charged,

1. To change the arrears status of a finance agreement, navigate to  Home pages -> Borrowing -> Finance Agreements 


2 Use the filter options to  filter the finance agreement that you need to apply the changes.

3. Once you have selected the finance agreement from the list, go to Actions menu -> Arrears -> Arrears status 

4. Change the new arrears status from the drop down list and click on save to complete adding the new arrears status to the selected finance agreement. 

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