Clone originator group product details

Clone originator group product details

Cloning Originator Group Product  Functionality will allow a user to copy and replace all or selected originator group product settings from one originator group product to another. Once you have created a new Originator group product ,  this functionality will make it easier to setup the originator group product by coping settings from another originator group product rather than setting up everything from the beginning. 

To  clone an Originator group product,  first you need to create an Originator group product . In order to know how to create an Originator group product click on this link to follow  instruction. 

1. Once you have create an Originator group select the newly created originator group navigating to Configuration -> Organisational Structure

2. Click on Internal Originator Groups under Originator Groups 

3. Select the Originator Group of which the product needs to be cloned. 

4. Once you have selected the Originator Group, go to Actions menu -> Functions -> Clone Originator Group Product Details 

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