Clone smartfund product mandate details

Clone smartfund product mandate details

The functionality  "Clone Smartfund Product Mandate Details"  allows the users to copy smartfund product mandate details from one customer to another or from one orginator group and product combination to another. 

In order to clone smarfund product mandate details, go to 

1. Home pages -> Investing 

2. Select Investors under Fund Accounts

3. Use the Filter Options to select the investor that you need to make changes 

Once the investor is filtered, select the investor by clicking on the hyperlink via Name or Available Balance

4. You will be navigated to Display Investor page. Go to Action panel  -> Smartfund -> Clone Smartfund Product Mandate Details 

5. Enter the details you would like to clone from. 

Customer - You will need to search for the customer that you are going to copy mandate details from if it is another investor you wish to clone from. When you click on the   icon, the customer search box will appear and you will be able to search by customer name or the number.
Copy From Smartfund Product Mandate - Drop down list of all existing product mandates for the customer selected above. The mandate titles will appear in the list.
Authorisation Code: This is the authorisation code of the user who is logged in to successfully complete the operation.
Supervisor Username: This is the username of a supervisor (a security clearance level equal to or higher than the user creating this mandate).
Supervisor Authorisation Code: This is the authorisation code of the supervisor that has been used above.
Once the details have been provided click on  to continue.

6. The mandate details selected from the above customer will be copied across and the "Mandates"  page opened with the details allowing the user to modify or save. The effective date will be replaced with the current trading date and title will be blank. 

Make sure to provide a Mandate title and click on  to continue. 

7. Mandates cloned will not be active and used by the Smartfund BOTS until they are activated. 

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