Copy user preferences

Copy user preferences

Users have the ability to personalise the loan administration system (Fusion) to have “quick link” menu items and “tabs” displaying data at the bottom of pages that is specific to what they want and need to see in order to easily perform their job. Once a user has setup their preferences they can be copied to another user.

From the Display User page for a specific system user, navigate to the Action Panel  >Functions Copy User Preferences From Another User:


1. It will display a Copy From User drop-down list, click on the field and select the [Search…] option to look for a specific user: 


2. Find the appropriate system user based on the Filter Options (or select the  button to display all of the users under the Finance Company): 


3. Select the person by clicking on the hyperlink via their Full Name or Login:


4. This will then add the name of the person that you are copying the information from into the field:


5. Finally select  to continue and copy the user preference of the person that was selected or  to return to the Display User page. 


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