Create an internal originator group

Create an internal originator group

Internal Originator Groups are Originator Groups that are owned by a finance company.  Only system Users that belong to the same finance company as the Internal Originator Groups will be able to view and edit internal Originator groups.

1. To create an Internal Originator Group navigate to Configuration -> Organisational Structure 

2. Select Internal Originator Groups under Originator Groups

3. Then click on  icon which is in the top right hand corner of the page to create a new Internal Originator Group.

4. Provide the details under General tab and click on next :

Finance company             Drop down list of available finance companies that the user has access to. Select the finance company from the drop down list.     
Name                                 Provide a meaningful name to the new Internal originator group that you are creating.                          
Organisational Customer Search and select the organisational customer from the list. You will only be able to view and search for organisational customer that has access to, based on ownership group. 
Ownership Group             Select the Ownership group from the drop down list.
Originator Group code     :  Make sure to provide an unique code which contains no spaces and special characters. Once saved users will not be able to change this code. 
Default Originator Group Tick the box if you need to make the Internal Originator Group the default one. But please note that there can be only one default internal originator group per finance company.
Primary Asset Class          Select the primary asset class from the drop down. 

5. Enable the required options under Use Of Platform section and click on Next 

Use Platform for Borrowing : Select if the originator group is allowed to do borrowing for customers. If this is not selected, the originator group will not be able to create application.
Use Platform for Investing   : Select if originator group is allowed to do investing for customers. If this is not selected, the originator group will not be able to create bids and investments. 

6. Enter the periods that system needs consider when sending reminders to the customers and click on Next

Register 1st Reminder Days      :When customer registers to use the platform they are sent reminders if they did not complete the registration process. This reminder is sent via email to the customer after the period defined. 
Register 2nd Reminder Days   : When customer registers to use the platform they are sent a second reminder if they did not complete the registration process. This reminder is sent via an email to the customer after the period defined. 
AML Complete Reminder Days:The platform allows customers to complete anti money laundering verification online. If a customer starts this process and does not complete it, they are sent a reminder via email after the period defined here. 

7. Provide the email address details under Email Server Settings

Outbound Email Address - Production and Sandbox                  : The "From Address" for emails is a virtual email address that is created at Sengrid and captured in the "Outbound Email Address" on the Originator Group. 
Outbound Reply To Email Address - Production and Sandbox  : This email will be the one that will receive emails if a customer happens to reply to an email. 

8. Click on Save to complete adding the internal originator group. 
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