Create an organisational customer

Create an organisational customer

Organisational Customers are a subset of customers in the system that are used to hold the information of entities such as finance companies, originator groups and any other entities. 

Users will only be able to view and edit the organisational customer details that they have access to, determined by the ownership group.(with the same ownership group as the user, or an ownership group lower in the hierarchy). 

1. To create an Organisational Customer navigate to Configuration-> Organisational Structure 

2. Click on Organisational customer under Organisational customers 

3. Provide the customer details under Name tab and click on Next 

ABN Status - Select the Status of the ABN from the drop down list.                                   
ACN NumberEnter the Australian Company Number.
ABN Number - Enter the Australian Business Number of the company/customer. 
Registered For GSTDefault to unchecked and check the tick box if the customer has registered for GST .
Legal NameEnter the Legal name of the company/customer.
NameEnter the name of the company/customer
Short Display Name Enter the Short Display Name  of the company/customer
Trading Name/ business Name Enter the business or trading name of the company/customer
Finance Company - Select the Finance company from the drop down list that the organisational company/customer belongs to. 
Business ActivityProvide the details of the business activities that the company/customer is engaged with
Number of Employees - Enter the number of employees working under the business company/customer
Years with Current Owners - Provide the number of years that the business is engaged with the current owners.
Once the details have been provided Click on   to continue. 

4. Select the purpose of using the system and business type from the drop downs and click on next to continue: 

Primarily use the System To -This indicates what the customer will primarily be using system for.i.e If the customer is an investor then the Primarily use the Platform option will need to be selected to 'Lend'. This is then used in the system in places for example when the member logs into the system this indicator determines which menu items will appear by default. i.e. the investor or borrower menu items.
Business Type - Select the type of the business from the drop down list
Once the details have been provided Click on   to continue. 

5. Provide the incorporation detail in the incorporation tab 

Tax Number - Enter the tax number 
Details of Membership class - Provide the details of the incorporation membership class details 
Establishing Legislation Name - Provide the establishing legislation name 
ARSN Number - Provide the Australian registered scheme number  
Country of Incorporation - Select the country of the incorporation from the drop down list provided 
Date Incorporated - provide the date incorporated 
Registered Body - provide the registered body 
Registered Number -Enter the registered number 
Market /Exchange - Provide the market or exchange details 
Parent Listed Company Name  - provide the parent listed company name if there is any 
Once the details have been provided Click on   to continue. 

6.  Finally, provide the Contact details and click on Save to complete adding the Organisational customer.

Website - Provide the website address if there is any
Primary Contact Email - Enter the primary email address
Primary Contact Confirm email -  Confirm the email address provided above 
Once the details have been provided click on  to complete creating the Organisational customer. 

7. Once you have created the Organisational customer use the search bar in the bottom of the page to search for the Organisational customer that you recently created.

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