Exporting customer tax number details

Exporting customer tax number details

For risk purposes, the tax numbers are encrypted when stored and not visible to view from the pages within Fusion. There are instances during year end when the tax number for investors is required. An option exists in Fusion to allow a user to export the tax numbers of customers to a file.

1. Navigate to Customers > Customer Management:

2. Select "Export Customer Tax Number" from the tax section

3. To create a new list of tax number click the create icon in the top right hand corner. 

4. If you are wanting to extract and already created list, select the item from the existing list of extracts provided.

5. Once you have supplied the authorisation code and a supervisor has supplied their code, click the "Save" button to generate the file

6. Select the extract from the list

7. From the Hamburger / Actions menu select "Preview" under the Functions menu

8. A file will be downloaded with a list of investors that have tax numbers.

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