After a fees payable details in the fees business rules have been created in Fusion (please refer to the article
here with instructions on how to do this), fees payable spreads can be created against investors, in order to either increase or decrease the rates charged on specific investor accounts.
1. Navigate to an investor
2. The list of existing fees payable spreads can be found in the tab at the bottom of the page.
3. To create a new fees payable spread for the asset class fees, from within the asset class, select the
Actions Panel hamburger menu
Functions >
Add Asset Class Fees Payable Fee Spread:
4. To create a new fees payable spread for the fund fees, from within the fund control class, select the
Actions Panel hamburger menu
Functions >
Add Fund Fees Payable Fee Spread:
5. Enter the Effective Date (which is the date when the spread will be applied from) which can be a future or current date. If the current date is selected, the rule will be activated and take immediate effect. Enter the spreads for each originator group product combination.
Fee Spread: the spread can be a positive value which will result in a greater fee. Supplying a negative spread will result in a lesser fee. If a large negative fee is supplied then it could result in no fee being charged at all.