Fraud check a customer through a service provider

Fraud check a customer through a service provider

There are service providers that are available in Clearmatch that can be used to successfully perform a fraud check on a customer.  This includes /Equifax .

This article outlines how to perform a fraud check on a customer through a service provider.  

Note that when an evaluation is done on an application for an individual, a fraud check is automatically performed if the service provider has been configured.

1. Log into Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Customers >  select either Personal Customer Search or Business Customer Search:

NOTE:  Depending on the requirement, select the relevant customer search to use. This article will show how to AML verify a personal customer. 

3. Search for the customer using the Filter Options (click on the  button once the filter selection has been made):

4. Once the customer has been found, select them (click on the link via their Name or Number): 

5. This will open the Display Personal Customer screen for the selected customer. Click on the Actions Panel  > Functions Get New Fraud Check:

6. Select the originator group and click yes for "Are you sure":

 Finally click on the  button to complete the check or the  button to return back to the Display Personal Customer screen.

If Equifax is selected as the service provider the following details will be passed to Equifax to perform the fraud check. The more information captured before the check is performed the more chance there is of successfully verifying:

DateOfBirth (Customer DOB)

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