Setup an automated SMS message based on workflow

Setup an automated SMS message based on workflow

Email and SMS message can be automated so that they are generated when a specific event or status change occurs. 

To find out how to create an SMS template, refer to this article. To find out how to configure SMS after creating a template,refer to this article .

1. In Clearmatch, navigate to Home Pages > Notification Management :

2. Depending on what needs to be achieved, select the relevant menu option. E.g. If the finance company wants the customer to receive an SMS after a specific step in the application process use the Document Workflow On Applications Process option or if the finance company wants the customer to receive an SMS after a status has changed on a loan application, use the SMS Workflow On Status Change option.  For this example, he SMS Worfklow On Status Change option will be used.

3. Once the Notification Management option has been selected, select the Application Workflow SMS option under SMS Workflow On Status Change :

4. To check whether or not the workflow has not already been created, use the Filter Options to view specific finance companies, products, the SMS template and application status that the workflow is active from.
5. To create a new application workflow, click on the cross/plus icon in the top right-hand corner

6. Select the Finance Company from the drop down list, that this workflow is associated with:

7. Select the Originator Group from the drop down list (usually  based on the Finance Company):

8. Select the Product from the drop down list NOTE : if a specific Finance Company and Originator Group has been selected, the associated product should be inserted by default:

9. Select the SMS Template from the drop down list NOTE : this is an SMS template that was created previously:

10. Select a status option from the Application Status Becomes drop down list:

11. Ensure that Is Active is enabled (by default it is):

12. To save the application workflow, simply click on the   button but if for any reason, you would like to exit out of this, click on the button.

NOTE: The same steps apply if an SMS template needs to be assigned to a listing status (as opposed to an application status).
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