When you select the option from the sign in page to change your password you will be presented with the page below requesting you to supply new password details.
Keep in mind that you will be forced to change your password and click the link above under the following conditions
- If you are trying to sign in for the first time.
- A system admin has reset your password for you.
- The password security period has been reached and your password has expired. Note that this will take place even if you are using the single sign on feature, as the Fusion username and password in this case is a backup option to sign in when the single sign on provider is not available, so therefore the Fusion password is required to be kept up to date with the password policy of the company.
Current Password - your existing password
New Password - your new password
Change Password - will update the password.
A confirmation prompt will appear on screen outlining that the password has successfully changed.
Once you have changed the password, close the browser session and then restart Fusion and login using your new password.