Changing finance company address (statements for borrowers and Investors)

Changing finance company address (statements for borrowers and Investors)

If there are statements that are used for borrowers and investors, and the finance company address needs to change you want to change the finance company address (that appears on the footer), the following points have to be taken into consideration:

- The Finance Company has a Legal Entity 
- The Legal Entity has an Organisational Customer
- The address needs to change on the Organisational Customer 

1. Login to Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Configuration > Organisational Structure :

3. Select Organisational Customer under Organisational Customers:

4. Select the organisational customer whose address needs to change (either by selecting the link to their Name or Number):

5. This will redirect to the Display Organisational Customer for the selected organisational customer. Click on the Actions Panel  > Address > depending what type of address it is ( FreeFormat or OffShore ) select the Change Mailing Address or Change Physical Address option:

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