Converting word documents to PDF forms for document templates

Converting word documents to PDF forms for document templates

Document templates can be designed in editing tools such as Microsoft word and then converted to pdf format.

1. Open the document in your preferred editing tool and remove all the variables that are enclosed within “<” “>” (including the percentage symbols):

2. Ensure that after all of the variables have been removed, that any space before or after a certain character remains unused (in order for you to place forms for the PDF document):

3. After removing all of the variables in the document, save the file as a PDF document:

4. Upload the file to the converter [this is a free version of PDFescape Online PDF Editor]. Click on Free Online. You can also use Adobe.

5. Now click on the option Upload PDF to PDFescape :

6. Once the document has been uploaded, you will be automatically be redirected to the PDFescape edit page where you can add the relevant forms for the variables that need replacing. See this article for details.

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