Finance companies will be able to indicate which trading categories they will do business with, for both investing and borrowing. Trading categories are made up of business types, which will allow finance companies to control which business types can borrow or invest. It will also include the documents that the customer would have to supply in order to access the platform under the desired structure.
1. Log into Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:
2. Navigate to Configuration > Organisational Structure:
3. Select the Finance Company Trading Company Mandates option under Finance Company:
4. Select a category that needs to be selected for editing (by clicking on the link via the Finance Company or Trading Category):
5. This will redirect to the
Display Trading Category Mandate page for the selected trading category. Click on the edit icon

located at the top right of the page to open the
Edit Trading Category Mandate page:
6. The first tab is the Mandate Details which include the following:
Finance Company: This is a drop down list of all available finance companies that the user has access to.
Trading Category: This is a drop down list of all trading categories for the finance company selected above.
Inactive: If this check box is enabled, then the trading category will be made inactive. Leave this option unchecked in order to keep the trading category mandate active.
Allow Business Registration: The business registration page appears as part of the registration process if the customer selected one of the investing or borrowing options from the new member landing page that requires business details. If the setting "Allow Business Registration" is set to false, the business details page will not appear and the user will continue wtih the registration process.

After all of the details have been entered and/or modified, click on the

button to continue.
6. The next tab is the Borrower Details which include the following:
Allow Borrowing: This determines if customers that have been assigned to the trading category, are allowed to borrow money. When this optino is unchecked, the "borrowing narrative "and "Email template sent to borrower" will be hidden. Also, the trading customer that the customer has been assigned to not be allowed to borrow money.
Borrowing Narrative : This is the content that will be displayed on the page which asks the customer if they intend to invest or borrow (completed during the registration process). E.g. a prime example of a borrowing narrative is outlined below:
Select Email Template From Originator Group: This is a drop down list of all available originator group(s) for the selected finance company and will determine what email templates will be used based on the originator group.
Welcome Email Template Sent To Borrower: This is a drop down list of all available email templates for the selected finance company. During the registration process, when a customer selects the trading category that they wish to borrow or invest under, they can receive an email as per the email template that is selected.
Documents Sent To Borrower: During the registration process, when a customer selects the trading category that they wish to borrow or invest under, they can receive an email as per the email template selected. Check the items or document(s) displayed under Available Documents and if needed for this category, move these items or documents across to the Documents Assigned section.

After all of the details have been entered and/or modified, click on the

button to continue to the next tab, the

button to return back to the previous tab or the

button to complete the changes that were made up to that point.
7. The final tab is the Investor Details which include the following:
Allow Investing: This determines if the customers that have been assigned to the trading category, are allowed to invest. When unchecked the "Investing narrative"and "Email template sent to Investor" option will be hidden. This also means that the trading category that the customer has been assigned, will not be allowed to invest.
Investing Narrative: This is the content that will be displayed on the page that asks the customer if they intend to invest or borrow, during the registration process.
Welcome Email Template Sent To Borrower: This is a drop down list of all available email templates for the selected finance company selected. During the registration process, when a customer selects the trading category that they wish to borrow or invest under, they can receive an email as per the email template selected.
Documents Sent To Borrower: During the registration process, when a customer selects the trading category that they wish to borrow or invest under, they can receive an email as per the email template that is selected. Check the document(s) displayed under Available Documents and if needed for this category, move across the Documents Assigned section.
8. Finally select the

button to apply the changes, the

button to return back to the previous tab or the

button to exit out of this process and return back to the
Display Trading Category Mandate page.