Member portal news feeds

Member portal news feeds

The member portal area has a section that allows the finance company to present messages to be displayed to members. This is known as the news feed. The news feed is available to finance companies originator groups and originators so that global messages can be sent to all members for a finance company, members for a specific originator group or members for specific originator, example “a new rate card is available” can be sent to a specific originator.

To supply a news feed to be displayed to members,

1. Navigate to Home Pages > News Feed

2. There are menu items that allow you to create news feed messages that will
  1. Global news feed - all members will see the news feed. This is to supply a message to all members regardless of which finance company. This option is only avilbel to Clearmatch staff
  2. Finance company news feed - all members for the specific finance company will see the message
  3. Originator group news feed -  all members that belong to a specific originator group will see the news feed.
  4. Originator -  all members that belong to a specific originator will see the news feed.

3. Selecting any of the menu items will allow the user to supply news feed details. Below is an example of how to capture an originator group news feed.

Start date and end date: the news feed will appear on the members portal between these 2 dates.

Header: the header of the news feed

Content:  the content of the news feed

4. If any news feeds have been published they will appear at the top of the activity feed page on the members portal. If the member closes a news feed item it will not longer appear on the page. Example