How to set documents to be sent with the welcome email as attachments

How to set documents to be sent with the welcome email as attachments

During customer creation( either from portal or fusion), when a customer selects the trading category, they can receive an email as per the email template selected with the documents attached. 
This document will be illustrating the steps on how to set the documents to be sent with welcome email template. In order to do that 

1. Navigate to Configuration Organisational Structure:

2. Select the Finance Company Trading Company Mandates option under Finance Company:

3. Select a trading category  for which the welcome email needs to be added (by clicking on the link via the Finance Company or Trading Category)

4.This will redirect to the Display Trading Category Mandate page for the selected trading category. Click on the edit  icon located at the top right of the page to open the Edit Trading Category Mandate page:

6. If the document to be sent to borrowers need to be setup, select Borrower Details tab or if the document to be sent to investors need to be setup click on Investor Details tab from Edit Trading Category Mandate page. This document will be illustrating the steps on setting document to be sent to investors. 

7. Documents Sent To Investor section will contain the documents that can be sent along with the welcome email template. Available documents section will display the list of documents to be supplied by customer for the finance company and trading category that are active and have a setting of "allow email" on the documents to be supplied by customer set to true. Steps on how to setup documents to be supplied by customer is mentioned in this link

Check the items or document(s) displayed under Available Documents and if needed them to be sent out with welcome email template, move these items or documents across to the Documents Assigned section using the arrows in the middle. 

8. Finally select the  button to apply the changes, the  button to return back to the previous tab or the  button to exit out of this process and return back to the Display Trading Category Mandate page.
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