Note categories

Note categories

Note categories are used to classify the different notes / messages that are sent to members, both investors and borrowers. Note categories are defined and preset in the platform and automatically take place when actions takes place in the platform. Examples:

  1. Account Created - will get generated when a finance agreement is created
  2. Forgot Password - will get generated when a forgot password has been requested by a customer

Finance companies are able to modify and alter how the notes perform, example if notes created under a note category are presented to customers or originators or both; and if they are emailed or sent via SMS. 

Finance companies are also able to create the note content that will be delivered for each of the note categories. If no note content has been supplied, the note category "description" will be used as content when a note is generated for a specific note category.

All the options can be different for each combination of finance company, originator group and product.

1. Login to Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Configuration > Setup:

3. Select the Note Categories option under General:

4. This will display all of the note categories that exist. To find out the details namely the note content for a specific category, select it (by clicking on the link via the Category):

To view all the note content that exists, click on the "Note Content" tab (alternatively select it from the the drop down list or via quick links if enabled):

5. Note categories will need to be added to an originator group before it can be used. Navigate to the originator group and the note categories available to the originator group can be viewed by selecting the "note category" tab at the bottom of the page.

6. Select the "Add note category" menu item under the actions / hamburger menu.

Communicate via email - Will an email be sent out when the note is generated.

Communicate via SMS - Will an SMS be sent out when the note is generated.

Present to customer - Indicates if the note is allowed to be viewed by the customer. There may be times when a finance company would like the messages to be viewed by the origintor and note the customer.

Present to originatorIndicates if the note is allowed to be viewed by the originator group. This is to cater for the fact that some messages are specific to the customer and the originator groups do not need to view the messages examples: customer AML notes, customer login and registration notes, listing payment reminders. However some of the notes may need to be viewed by the originator groups examples: a listing is published, listing is approved, bid is placed, bid is accepted.

7. Once the note category has been made available to be used by an originator, the finance company will be able to modify the content that the notes will contain. Notes that are specific to product level can have the content added  at originator group product level. Notes that are NOT  specific to product level can have the content added at originator group level. 

8. To add or create new note content , from within a note category, click on the Actions Panel  > Functions > Create Note Content:

From within a originator group, you are able to see the note content that applies to the originator, by viewing the note content tab at the bottom of the page.

You are able to add the note content directly from within the originator group by clicking the "add note content" menu item under the actions / hamburger menu.

From within an originator group product , you are able to see the note content that applies to the originator and product, by viewing the note content tab at the bottom of the page.

You are able to add note content directly from within the originator group product  by clicking the "add note content" menu item under the actions / hamburger menu.

9. The following page will appear when adding note content

Content type - Select "Default" for the content that will appear on the portal pages activity feed, email templates and all places other than in an SMS. Select "SMS" for the content that will appear in an  SMS

If the content Type SMS is selected, the content can only be a maximum of 459 characters. This is to cater for industry standard SMS lengths.
If content type is Default then make a maximum of 5000.

The notes that have been generated can either be viewed under the note maintenance queue or under the item they refer too. Example if the note was for a finance agreement then they will be able to be viewed by clicking on the notes tab at the bottom of a finance agreement.   If the note was for an investment then they will be able to be viewed by clicking on the notes tab at the bottom of a investment. If the note was for a customer then they will be able to be viewed by clicking on the notes tab at the bottom of a customer. etc.

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