Office 365 - Single Sign On - Azure AD Authentication with OpenID Connect

Office 365 - Single Sign On - Azure AD Authentication with OpenID Connect

Office 365 subscription comes with Azure Active Directory, that you can use to integrate authentication with your applications.

This is a quick guide on how to configure applications to authenticate using Azure Active Directory.

1. Go to and open Azure Active Directory from the left side menu.

2. Click on “App registrations”.


3. Click on “To view and manage your registrations for converged applications, please visit the Microsoft Application Console “.


4. In the Application Registration Portal this leads to, click on the “ ”. Give the application a name and unselect “ Guided setup ”. In this instance, we named it as FinanceCompanyConnect then Create.


5. Upon creation, take note of the Application ID:


6. Click on the Generate New Password button and take note of it e.g. tk96sYPjpgkNeoB2YdRxmPe


7. Click the “ Add Platform ” button and select Web from the pop-up that appears:


8. Leave checked “ Allow Implicit Flow ” and add-in details then “ Save” ;
Note: For SSO Sandbox o In Redirect URL, enter the following details;


Note: For SSO PROD Registration o In Redirect URL, enter the following details;

9. Add permissions for “openid"

Getting Endpoints

1. Go to and open Azure Active Directory from the left side menu · Click on “ App registrations  

2. Click on “Endpoints” on the top menu




To validate token endpoint, use the following link and replace xxx… with your token ID
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