After a management fee table has been created in Fusion (please refer to the article
here with instructions on how to do this), management fee spreads can be created either against the investment category or against a specific investor, in order to either increase or decrease the rates charged to specific investors. Management fee spreads created against investment category affect all investors under that investment category.
The steps below explain how to capture management fee spreads against an investment category but the process is the same when trying to capture against an investor.
1. Navigate to Configuration > Setup:
2. Select the Investment Category option under Customers:
3. Locate the relevant investment category in the list and click on it.
4. The list of existing management fee spreads can be found in the tab at the bottom of the page.
5. To create a new management fee spread, select the
Actions Panel hamburger menu
Functions >
Add Management Fee Spread:
6. Enter the Effective Date (which is the date when the spread will be applied from) which can be a future or current date. If the current date is selected, the rule will be activated and take immediate effect. Select the credit rating table the management fee spread applies to.
9. Click on the management fee spread tab at the bottom of the investment category and click on the item in the list
11. Enter the spread details
Management fee spreads can also be created against investors. The exact same process as above is followed except you will need to navigate to a specific investor to create the management fee spreads.