Overview and structure of the platform

Overview and structure of the platform

The Clearmatch  platform caters for the following:

  1. A SAAS (software as a service) model can be applied within each country. The design caters for multiple finance companies to use the system using either a common or a segregated customer base.
  1. Multi asset classes and multiple products
  1. Finance agreement and investment administration for finance companies that operate under traditional finance where they supply money to borrowers OR a peer to peer marketplace where many investors can supply money to borrowers.
  1. The existence of Markets, which will allow finance companies to create “finance markets” and allow other finance companies to participate with specific products in these “finance markets”. 
  1. The ability to have more than one entity that originates finance, referred to as originator groups, in an asset class that has the complete set of business rules, document and white labelling configuration options and, making it possible for different originator groups to have their own rules per product within an asset class.
  1. The existence of internal and third party originator groups. Third party originator groups will allow brokers and agencies to borrow money on behalf of their customers. It will also be a starting point for the future to allow for advisors to invest money for their customers.


Many finance companies can make use of the platform. Each finance company:

  1. Can use the system but run separate to other finance companies. So they will have their own entities and originator groups and decision trees and rules etc. Even their own customer base.
  1. Finance many asset classes.
  1. Do traditional finance where the finance company finances their finance agreements themselves.
  1. Create their own peer to peer markets where the finance agreements are financed by the public or other organisations.
  1. Have one or more products participate in peer to peer markets created by other finance companies.
  1. Have third party brokers or agencies originate business for them.

Here is a sample organisational diagram that summarises the above

Each finance company will have its own structure and rules as depicted below:

There can then be many of the above structures i.e. In Summary:


  1. The platform will allow for multiple finance companies.
    1. The originators within a finance company will have a link to the “Customer Ownership Group”. This will allow a finance company to either
      1.  Share the same customer base as another finance company.
      2. Share the same customer base as the entire marketplace platform.
      3. Have their own customer base.
  1. Multiple asset classes.
  1. Multiple products within each asset class within each finance company.
  1. Currently each legal entity is made up of an originating entity, a warehousing entity.
  1. A finance company can have many originating and warehousing entities. The originating entity will be the entity that originates the business. The warehousing entity will be the entity that holds the bank account for the business and also all platform control accounts.  Each combination of product and originator group will be able to be linked to its own or the same warehousing entity. This will allow each finance company to have one or many bank accounts and have money allocated to accounts for each combination of originator group and product.
  1. The platform will allow many internal finance company originator groups OR multiple third party originating groups (brokers, agents etc.) to access any finance company. This will give finance companies a further level of flexibility to sub divide, split and control each business. Each originating group will be able to have its own lending rules defined for each product allocated to it i.e.
    1. Decision trees
    2. Scorecards
    3. Finance Types
    4. Payment Frequencies
    5. Payment Methods
    6. Product settings (keeping in mind that there can be multiple product in the system)
    7. Credit Ratings
    8. Establishment fees
    9. Management fees
    10. Documentation
    11. Messaging
    12. etc.
  1. Each originator group can have multiple originators. This is specifically useful for a business that has multiple branches or dealerships etc.
  1. The banking in the platform is at warehouse entity level of which there can be many per finance company thus allowing many bank accounts and control accounts.

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