Release Notes - 201701 - Kabaragoya

Release Notes - 201701 - Kabaragoya


201701 – Kabaragoya

Release Date

March 2017

1.          What is a Kabaragoya

     A Kabaragoya is a lizard found in Sri Lanka

2.          Take Note Of

  • New portal content blocks that have been added that require personalisation.

  • New security permissions that have been added that need to be assigned to user groups to allow access.

3.          Release Details

Dun & Bradstreet Credit Bureau

Finance Companies can now define which credit bureau is used for both qualification and final evaluation:

o   Veda

o   Dun & Bradstreet

o   Both

If the setup is defined as “Both” a call will be made to both credit bureaus and a combined score will be calculated.

If the setup is NOT defined as “Both”, an option has been introduced against an application to make an extra call to the alternate credit bureau.

All the existing details used for Veda, have be duplicated for Dun & Bradstreet i.e.

o   Decision tree questions

o   Scorecard questions

Ticket ID: 3933 Changing Credit Score

The credit score seems to be changing on applications between qualification tree and final tree but only on the "Scoring" tab. Not on the Financial Profile screen. It looks like there is an error in displaying the information from both qualification and comprehensive scorecards on the "scoring" tab at the bottom of the application.

In more detail: Please look at production application A099845. It has had both qualification and comprehensive scorecard run against it.

It has correctly rated the borrower as a "B" grade for both qualification and comprehensive in the financial profile screen.

It has incorrectly rated the borrower as a "C" grade for comprehensive scorecard score in the "Scoring" tab.

See attached image. His Veda score of 711 gives this borrower a B grade.

This is curious, but not a show-stopper. It is worthy of investigation.

Qualification score is using the credit rating score instead of the Scorecard- The Pre-qualification scorecard credit rating is incorrect on the score tab

Correct documents not displaying for staff members on application

Login to the portal as a staff member

Create new application.

On steps 3 and 6, need to display the correct documents to be supplied as per settings in documents to be supplied by borrowers.

Also ensure correct documents being returned for display on make decision on offer.

Issues on start date -Online Application Offer Confirmation Required= No that have applied and complete step 6

Steps to reproduce:

Change the Listing and App business rule Online Application Offer Confirmation Required= No (only happens when this is set to no)

Find an existing application status applied (step 4 /5 completed

Use retrieve quote and complete step 6

Go to edit application.

In Edit application select next from loan details

Validation triggers on loan details page about start date. Seems to be wrong.

Threat Metrix support have requested a change

Please remove these below elements from your webpage as these should not be exposed

The api_key, event type, service_type and policy in your tags. You only need org_id and session_id.  Please note that these elements are only utilized in the API calls.

Threat Metrix decision tree issue

The Credit Team has tried to use the Decision Tree Variable "Functions. ThreatMetrixScore" within their decision tree. When they add this Numeric variable into the decision tree with "Less than 0" or "Greater than 0" then an error message appears on the application quote page (see attached).

The error on the application page states that we are unable to get your CREDIT SCORE?

Investment statements from ClearMatch Fusion

When creating an investment statement from ClearMatch "CREATE AND PREVIEW", nothing happens

Please check the loan and the fund statements

Customer being created for wrong originator

When customer created from app pages and handed over a finance company they are assigned the correct finance company and originator group but the originator is still in the originating originating originator.

If don’t add customer text when create email from app, get error when email generated

Steps to reproduce:

Select email from Application

TC1-with custom text

TC2-without custom text

Expected result:

Both emails should get sent out.

Steps to reproduce:

Campaign mandatory when create customer and should not be

When create a customer in ClearMatch the campaign has been made mandatory in ClearMatch designs. It should not be

Also the drop-down list of campaigns for societyone is showing several blank lines

Business rules

Not all business rules have "today" link next to effective date - see listing and application business rule where it is missing

Session timeout on website application should not take redirect to error page

Test environment: UAT

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create application from website

2. On step 5 or any step -force it to session timeout

REFRESH the screen.

Takes to error page.

Action menu gets stuck

Add vendor in application navigates to man with pick

1) Login to ClearMatch and click on any application

2) Actions->Vendor Invoices->Add Vendor


1) Login to ClearMatch and click on any application

2) Actions->Security->Add equipment


1) Login to ClearMatch and click on any application

2) Actions->Security->Add Mobile Asset


1) Login to ClearMatch and click on any application

2) Actions->Security->Add Other

Require hyperlink against the TERM on application/financial Profile to go to credit rating settings term

Hyperlink for "Credit rating" on financial Profile should display Credit rating settings and need link against term

Select financial profile -> Select credit rating table

Observe the screenshot

1. The filter should have the selected "Credit rating table " that the application used

2. And display the right data that is used by the application

3. Term should have link to redirect to credit rating term

Cannot view statement in IE

Organisational Customer search shows processing and goes in indefinite loop

Improvements to the purchasing of applications.

Function on Customer to add tax number with no Australian tax number validation

Function to make a customer inactive

Add business rule drop down to the business rule filters

Create function on application under admin to "Reset Evaluation Method to Manual"

Gives the finance company the ability to override the auto evaluation and manually evaluate

When click cancel in ClearMatch when inserting or editing, give message "are you sure you wish to cancel". Same as done in delete. Note all customer pages

Filter on arrears collectors

Filter on arrears status

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