Release Notes - 201703 - Pine Marten

Release Notes - 201703 - Pine Marten


      201703 – Pine Marten

Release Date

      April 2017

1. What is a Pine Marten

A Pine Marten is an animal found in the UK

2. Take Note Of

  • New portal content blocks that have been added that require personalisation.

  • New security permissions that have been added that need to be assigned to user groups to allow access.

  • In order to use to shorten URL’s for use in SMS messages, the business will need to have a google analytics account and will need to generate a API key in the account. This is explained further below.

3. Release Details

 207355 Driver License for IDMatrix


The IDMatrix integration to Veda requires an update to include "state" to be sent with the Drivers Licence. As this is not currently being sent Driver Licence is not being used for AML check

Investor Dashboard


A new dashboard menu will be added to the portal allowing investors and borrowers to have dashboards displaying information.

The information available to the dashboards will be SSRS reports and each user will be able to add the “reports” that he/she would like to see on the dashboard. The available reports will grow as the system grows.

 SMS as a method of communication


The ability for SMS messages from Clearmatch.

This will include sending SMSM message as follows:

1) Note generated can be sent via SMS

2) Manually sent an SMS message from within an application, finance agreement and customer

3) Workflow SMS sent on application step change

4) Workflow SMS sent on application status change

5) Workflow SMS sent on listing status change

Business will be able to shorten URLS using

Issues on start date - Online Application Offer Confirmation Required= No that have applied and complete step 6


The ability to send customers emails or SMS messages with links to pages that they can access using token authentication via SMS and not requiring them to login to the portal.

This can be used to”

-send customers links to pages to upload documents

-send borrowers links to pages to finalise an application

-send borrowers links to pages to confirm an application (accept offer)

-send investors links to auction pages to view details and place bids

222398 – Minimum rental amount in the business rule is not working


Minimum Weekly Rental Payment on the cost of living business rule on the originator group product is not working.

When calculating the NDI (surplus) the greater of the weekly rental on the business rule and the rental debt types should be used.

Error in logs on customer search page


Daily monitoring of the log files has identified an error occurring when searching for a customer in Clearmatch Fusion

Employment income after tax not being update correctly


The employment income after tax on one table was not updated. This has been rectified and the relevant data fixed.

If don’t add customer text when create email from app, get error when email generated


If a principal investor is added to a business during the online process to register investors, if they have not been AML verified and they have previously tried to sign in and selected the “Remember me” option, when they try login they are navigated back to the on boarding process to be AML verified but get a message that they do not have access”. The user gets stuck in the process.

Displaying of data on the working tabs in arrears management


Support ticket 5377

In the below arrears manage screens

- arrears management
- arrears collectors
- select a collector

The following 4 tabs need to exclude any accounts that have an arrears amount > 0, so should not show if the customer overpays

1) account summary
2) worked accounts
3) follow up accounts
4) pending account

Improvements to SMS tokens


The following improvements have been made to SMS tokens sent to the customers:

  1. Tokens are generated using a 6 digit random number for easier reading.
  2. Current SMS message is “Your PIN is XXXXXX.”, please change to “XXXXXX is your PIN.”. Put pin in front of message so that smart phone users can read the message directly from smartphone notification without leaving the screen

Support Ticket 5420 - when trying to create a letter get error message regarding template


When performing the following

  • Go to finance agreement
  • Go to letters and documents
  • Create letter or document
  • Select the dishonoured payments template
  • Select customer
  • Click save

Get message “a finance agreement document config must have a template”

This happens if one, any one of the document configs against the finance agreement does not have a template loaded. Check should only be done on the document selected.

Improve display when using filter at top of page in ClearMatch Fusion


When I enter details into the filter at the top of the page and click the magnifying glass. It finds details but I cannot see them as the page opens with the larger filter block at the top. Can we minimise this when the top filter is applied, same way we do when we use the larger filter to search.

All document workflows showing all templates instead of only those in configs

Support ticket 5457 - timeout error when run statements from portal


Printing of statements form within fusion is not applying the limit and allowing a user to enter any date range.

Html content from content blocks for notes is displaying html tags on the portal


 Html tags should not be displayed, only the content.

Error in logs on promise to pay page


Daily monitoring of the log files has identified an error occurring when capturing ptp in Clearmatch Fusion


SMS pin generating new pin if clicked on enter instead of continue


When prompting the customer for a SMS pin in forgot password, if the user clicked the enter button a new pin was generated.

Viewing reports from within ClearMatch


When viewing reports from within Clearmatch, example the CDR report, only part of the report could be viewed.


Created on date placed on lists


The “created on” date has been placed on the lists to make it easier to identify the latest items added. This has been added to management fee table and establishment fee tables.

Support ticket 5541 – Permission error when trying to add content blocks

4. Portal Content (Content Blocks, Validation Messages, Help Messages)

      The following content, help and validation messages have been added and need to be personalised.









5. Security Settings Added

      The following new security permissions are available and need to be assigned to the correct user groups to enable access.


      Class Access

Permission Type

Class Name





























