Release Notes - 201707 - Goblin Shark

Release Notes - 201707 - Goblin Shark


201707 – Goblin Shark

Release Date

June 2017

1.  What is a Goblin shark


2.  Take Note Of

  • New portal content blocks that have been added that require personalisation.
  • New security permissions that have been added that need to be assigned to user groups to allow access.
  • The finalisation process can be modified by changing business rules, allowing a listing to be automatically finalised when the listing has been 100% funded.
  • The “make a decision page” has changed. New content blocks are available that need to be updated so that the page is presented to the customer correctly.
  • RM fee spreads need to be updated for investors that require a different RM fee to be charged.


3.  Release Details



 223661 – Finalisation Process


Business would like to speed up and streamline the finalization process.

Currently a customer is required to

- Add a business rule that will allow a listing to be automatically finalised when the listing has been 100% funded. As a result, the borrower will not be required to click the “finalise” button thus shortening the process.

Flow will be:

- When a listing becomes finalised due to it being 100% funded, the status of the listing will automatically be changed to “awaitingconfirmation”.

- A listing workflow exists on this status where a loan offer document is auto generated

- An email template is attached to the document template, an email is automatically sent out to the customer with the documents attached.

- An SMS template is attached to the document template an SMS will be automatically sent to the customer. This SMS can contain a link to take the customer directly to the auction page to make a decision.

- The customer only has to click one button without any waiting.



Percentage funded to be more easily visible


The percentage funded will be made more easily visible on the listing and the application within ClearMatch. The list of all listings will have a column added that will show the percentage funded.

A funding tab showing the percentage funded and the total bids (same as is show under listing) has been added under applications



Start Date of a loan can be set when application is finalised or confirmed.


If the business rule is set to “at confirmation” the start date of the application will be adjusted to be the date the listing is confirmed plus 1 (so it will be set to the next day)

If the business rule is set to “at listing finalisation” the start date will remain as per existing functionality where it is not adjusted when the listing is confirmed, as it will use the start date set at the time the listing was finalised instead i.e. date the listing finalised plus listing confirmation period plus 1

The first payment date is set accordingly.


Email Service Improvements



Email service has been improved to

- Perform faster

- Allow for multiple email services to be set, each of which can deal with a different priority emails

- Emails are sent via the Send Grid service provider instead of an exchange server.


Workflow Document Service Improvements


Workflow document generator service has been improved to

- Perform faster

- Allow for multiple email services to be set, each of which can deal with a different priority emails



Make A Decision Page


Redesign to the make a decision page


RM Fee Spread


Spreads will be added to the RM fees allowing different RM fees to be charged for investors in different investment categories and individual investors.

The RM fee spread for each investor will also be determined and attached to the investment. When funds are cleared and the fee amount for the investor determined using the RM fee rate, the spread saved against the bid/investment will be added to the RM fee rate allowing the business to have different rates per investor. Positive and negative spreads can be added allowing business to increase or decrease the fee.


Reordering Of Columns


Completed the reordering of columns that was started in the previous sprint. Users can reorder the columns in lists


Fixed formatting display on Credit Decisioning report


This report was created by business but has formatting issues on the displaying of the report as pdf.


Loan Offer to display base rate for applications created by brokers


Loan offer to display base interest rate as per TERM set on the Rate Card


SMS not generated for originators


If the note category has been setup to present to originator and communicate via SMS set to true, the orginator was not receiving the SMS message


Support ticket 5402 – Double DD in February due to PTP


Finance agreement 215178.01, PTP was done on the 9th of Nov 2016 as there was a dishonor, Syed put in a $60 D/D for the 10th of Nov 2016, which I have attached, we didn't add or remove any extra payments.

The system calculated and entered an extra repayment on the 28th of February 2017.

The same thing has happen on  finance agreement 178148.01, we did a PTP to defer a payment in May 2016 and now the customer has been direct debited twice in February 2017


Portal dashboard to be linked to customer not investor


Surplus verification failed for COLA


If the business rule was setup to use COLA, the surplus calculation was incorrect.



Checking for duplicate customer not working correctly


The following needs to be done

When checking if customer exists in app page, it uses date of birth, email address and mobile but it is only checking current email and mobile, it should check all combinations

1) when creating a customer is clearmatch, same thing
2) when adding mobile number in clearmatch, same thing
3) when adding email address in clearmatch, same thing

4) when updating profile in portal, same things
5) when creating relationship customer in registration on boarding and leasing app page , same thing


Credit Rating Color is not saved on adding a new secondary credit rating


Notifications menu on originator group and originator group product


Notifications menu on originator group and originator group product was fixed to be as it was before i.e. same as on finance company


Export of user group details not working


Nothing happened when exporting user group settings.


Fixed English language issues on forgot password message


Remove columns from organisational customer list


Columns that were not required in the organizational customer lists were removed.


Screen layout fixed on trading category mandates

Display Variable - Address How Long


Fixed the display of the data for the address how long display variable. Example

9years 7months

should be like below with spaces after number

9 years 7 months


Viewing and editing of details for staff member relationships


Improved the displaying of staff member relationships in ClearMatch. The relationship now loads in a separate window and the user can perform specific actions on the relationship within that window. Same as was done for relationships against a customer.


Display proper error message for Access Denied


Login to Clearmatch as a user that does not have access to task workflow. Within an application, click on actions > task workflow
As the user does not have the access it should display an access denied message instead the page loads and in background can see the access denied error message and navigates back to Borrowing homepage


Copy note content on originator group does not work


Object reference error while updating Originator Group and Originator


1) Login as admin
2) Click on Update Originator Group from actions
3) Select Soc1 and click on save

You get “object reference…” error


View task for change payment plan, “client” is a date instead of application number