Release Notes - 201708 - Babirusa

Release Notes - 201708 - Babirusa


201708 – Babirusa

Release Date

Aug 2017

1. What is a Babirusa

2. Take Note Of

  • New portal content blocks that have been added that require personalisation.
  • New security permissions that have been added that need to be assigned to user groups to allow access.

3. Release Details

220142 – Committed Funds

Introduction two new fields to the Investor section - Initial Commitment and Remaining Committed

These will be used to calculate the investible balance for large institutions that have committed large amounts of funding, but only deposit in tranches.

The Initial Commitment will be updated by Investor Services for new investors to reflect their initial commitment ie $10M. If we sign a new agreement this can be updated to a higher amount e.g. $20M

The Remaining Committed will be a calculated field, calculated as the Initial Commitment minus the sum of Deposits, and updated any time a deposit is received.

The public API that supplies the Investor Fund/Call account details will be modified to include the committed and remaining committed funds - GET /v1/{assetclass}/investor/search

176419 – Arrears Letter Tolerance Amount

The “Minimum amount to send document” will be renamed to “Tolerance amount” on the Arrears letters process. Arrears letters and fees will only be generated when the arrears value on the account is greater than the tolerance amount.

189436 – Queue visibility from within specific items

Information from all queues will be available to view against the relevant item in ClearMatch. The following are the possible queues:

· Email queue

· SMS queue

· Notes queue

· Workflow Documents queue

· Task workflow queue

· Auto evaluations queue

· Credit Reports

· ABN response

· Change payment plan

· Purchase Listing

· Marketing Analytics

· Notifications

· Partner Notifications

This functionality will be added to ClearMatch so that it can appear on all possibilities i.e. application, listing, customer, finance agreement etc. Only the queue items that relevant to that item will be displayed.

Income before and after tax

Finance companies will be able to select if they would like the customer to capture income before or after tax. The application page will then prompt for income either before or after tax.

Defer Arrears – to apply to peer to peer

The function to defer arrears will be modified so that it works correctly in the peer to peer environment. Setting the defer arrears days on a finance agreement will reduce the arrears days on the account by the defer arrears days, up until the expiry of the defer agreement or until the agreement is broken.

Example 1: The defer arrears days is set to 5 days and the expiry date is 20 Jan 2017. Today is the 8 Jan 2017 and the account is already 3 days in arrears.

9 Jan –Account is treated as 1 day in arrears. Arrears letter and fees etc sent are based on being (4 – 5) i.e. -1 days in arrears

10 Jan – Account is treated as 2 days in arrears. Arrears letter and fees etc sent are based on being (5 – 5) i.e. 0 days in arrears

11 Jan – Account is treated as 3 days in arrears. Arrears letter and fees etc sent are based on being (6 – 5) i.e. 1 days in arrears

12 Jan – Account is treated as 4 days in arrears. Arrears letter and fees etc sent are based on being (7 – 5) i.e. 2 days in arrears

13 Jan – Account is treated as 5 days in arrears. Arrears letter and fees etc sent are based on being (8 – 5) i.e. 3 days in arrears

20 Jan - the expiry has been reached, account is 15 (3 + 11 + today) days in arrears.

Borrower has not paid and defer arrears agreement is expired. Arrears letter and fees etc sent are based on being 15 days in arrears.

Example 2: The defer arrears days is set to 5 days and the expiry date is 20 Jan 2017. Today is the 8 Jan 2017 and the account is already 3 days in arrears.

9 Jan –Account is treated as 1 day in arrears. Arrears letter and fees etc sent are based on being (4 – 5) i.e. -1 days in arrears

10 Jan – Account is treated as 2 days in arrears. Arrears letter and fees etc sent are based on being (5 – 5) i.e. 0 days in arrears

11 Jan – Account is treated as 3 days in arrears. Arrears letter and fees etc sent are based on being (6 – 5) i.e. 1 days in arrears

12 Jan – Borrower pays arrears in full. Account is zero days in arrears

20 Jan - The defer arrears agreement is expired

Investment transaction summary report display of filter prompts

Investor Transaction summary light box should ask for Start date and End date NOT vice versa

Source of business must have origination set

The source of business must have an origination

1) change create and edit source of business in ClearMatch so have to enter lend or borrow. "not set" cannot be selected"

2) update all existing source of business that have “not set”, to be borrow

3) In registration and app page when a customer is created, if the source of business is supplied and does not exist, it is created. If one is created then make the origination "borrow"

4. Data Warehouse


5. Portal Content (Content Blocks, Validation Messages, Help Messages)

The following content, help and validation messages have been added and need to be personalised.



Key Name

Page Name


6. Security Settings Added

The following new security permissions are available and need to be assigned to the correct user groups to enable access.


Class Access

Permission Type

Class Name

Can Create

Can Delete

Can Read

Can Update







Method Access

Permission Type

Class Name

Method Name
















7. Documents To Reference


Babirusa Task Breakdown.pdf