Release | 201710
– Spinosa |
Release Date | Aug
2017 |
219809– DTI Calculation | |||
| Finance
companies can indicate against each debt type that they define, if they would
like to the debt type included in the DTI calculation and if so if they would
like to use: - % of the repayment amount - % of the limit amount - % of balance amount Finance
companies can also indicate against each debt type that they define, if they
would like to the debt type included in the DTI calculation DTI
calculation results will be displayed on the edit application pages in the
“serviceability section” | ||
| |||
| Mortgage
and rent existed as one field in Clearmatch. All expenses
can now be defined by the finance company and Rent will be treated as an
expense. Mortgage will be treated as a debt type. New
decision tree variables have been added allowing a finance company to use the
expense type and value in decisioning The
CDR report will also be changed to have the rent and mortgage displayed in 2
fields | ||
Display and capturing of expense details | |||
| The display and capturing of expense details on an application
within Clearmatch has been improved | ||
| |||
| Finance companies will be able to indicate and emergency override
on the credit rating table to indicate that funds are not available. This can
be used in the pre-qualification decision tree to force a decline and perhaps
handover to another finance company Decision tree variables have been added accordingly. | ||
| ||
| Extract all the previously hidden fields from Yodlee that are now
available due to penetration test results being positive. | ||
181933 – stop auto matching and posting of duplicate
bank statement items | |||
| When
auto matching, if a bank statement item is found that has already been posted
(use reference and date to check), do not auto match and leave in the list so
whoever is doing the banking can investigate and manually match if required
or ignore. If a
statement item is being auto matched to an account that already has the
following, then do not auto match · Same reference · Same narrative · Same amount · Same date In
other words, there has been an auto matching in the past and an attempt is
being made to auto match to the same item. All items that cannot be auto matched
due to this reason will have the following message “Item has previously been
matched”, displayed in the “Message” column in the unallocated bank items
list. If
all the items on a bank statement is being posted to accounts that already
has the following, then do not post · Same reference · Same amount · Same date In
other words, this entire statement has been posted in the past and an attempt
is being made to post again. All items that cannot be posted due to this
reason will have the following message “Item has previously been posted”,
displayed in the “Message” column in the allocate but not posted bank items
list. Improvements
have been made to the displaying of bank statement details. | ||
Emergency bank statement for deposits | |||
| Business
is continually asking IT to create bank statement files for emergency
deposits they require. In order to reduce support and limit possible errors,
a function has been added to the platform to allow business to do this task
themselves. A
task workflow option has been created to ensure that someone in business is
notified if a bank statement file is generated | ||
Incoming email with attached documents for
applications | |||
| There is an option in the platform to allow
borrowers to email documents to an email address and the documents will
automatically be uploaded against the application. Due
to moving off of an exchange server to send emails, the processing of
incoming emails had to be adjusted so the exchange server could be
decommissioned. | ||
Support ticket 5860 | |||
| Emails
that are sent to a customer during registration, based on their trading
category, can possibly have documents attached. If the template for the
document is inactive, the email should still be created but no document
attached and no error given. At the moment the email is left in the email
queue with a message that the template is inactive. | ||
Improve the display of bank suspense accounts | |||
| 1.
From a warehousing entity, list of bank suspense accounts (association), add
the balance columns so can easily see the balance. Do the same for bank
control accounts (so they will look the same as the control account list) 2. when click on bank suspense account, make the 'transactions" tab the default tab (association)
| ||
Lost ability to add note category at originator
group level | |||
| Lost
ability to add note category at internal originator group level | ||
When apps are purchased they are not always being
moved out of the Purchase Listing Queue | |||
| See example the weekend of 10 / 11
June in prod The listing went into Purchase Listing
Queue, and it was purchased by the Purchase Listing Windows Service. After
purchased, it is supposed to be moved from the queue to the Purchase Listing
Queue History. But there is something wrong and it does not get moved away
from the queue to history. | ||
online banking customer (Yodlee) to inactive when login details are incorrect
incorrect | |||
| The online bank customer account will
be made inactive if the following is returned from Yodlee InvalidUserCredentialsException If the user
credentials specified are invalid. UserUncertifiedException If
the user needs to be re-certified (perhaps because the initial terms and
conditions accepted during registration have changed) before continuing.
The exception object contains the UserContext to be used for certification. UserAccountLockedException If
the user's account is locked. UserUnregisteredException If
the user is not registered. This exception is thrown only in a single
sign-on case when the user is not explicitly logging in. In the case of a
direct login, an InvalidUserCredentialsException is thrown if the
credentials are not found in the Yodlee system. UserStateChangedException This
exception is thrown when the user's account is changed into a state where
he or she cannot login. As an example, when the user does not log in for a
certain period of time, the account gets deactivated automatically and any
attempt to log in to the application will throw a
UserStateChangedException. It contains a user's status field that describes
the user’s state. UserSuspendedException If
the user is currently suspended. | ||
Documents tab on finance company trading category
mandates | |||
| Added
a documents tab on the finance company trading category mandates so a user
can easily see all the documents assigned to it | ||
Support ticket 5846 - Only Latitude marketing
campaigns listed | |||
| When
Latitude finance company was created the setup script copied all the
SocietyOne campaigns over to Latitude. These have been removed. | ||
Deadlock occurring on completion of Step 6 on the
application pages | |||
| Performance
testing revealed that if there are more than 25 concurrent application were
being loaded, deadlocks can occur on step 6 of the application page. | ||
Documents uploaded from system generated email do
not save description and document name correctly | |||
| Steps
to replicate : | ||
Updating anything on customer other than address, adds
a new address record | |||
| Occurs
when the customer has a foreign address | ||
Having more than one repayment option fails to
display agreement section on step 6 of application page | |||
| Steps
to reproduce: | ||
| |||
| 1)
Login to portal with an application of status Finalised | ||
Evaluate the application for non australian resident
navigates to error page | |||
| 1)
Create an application from website and complete step 6 | ||
Edit related parties in investor making duplicates
instead of updating existing | |||
| 1)
Login to portal as investor | ||
"remote customer links" association under the
customer is not showing all the remote details. | |||
| "remote
customer links" tab under the customer is not showing all the remote
details. Example sitecatalyst details not being shown. The information is
also not being brought back in the application public API |
Support ticket 5929 - No escrow transactions on
early settlement recoveries | |
| it doesn't appear that early
settlement commission recovery transactions are having PaymentInEscrow
transactions applied to them. |
New Tables Added | |
| ApplicationBorrowerDebtItem_Dim ApplicationBorrowerExpenseItem_Dim DebtTypeClassification_Dim ExpenseType_Dim ExpenseTypeClassification_Dim HandOverDebtItem_Dim HandOverDebtType_Dim HandOverExpenseItem_Dim HandOverExpenseType_Dim HandOverOtherIncomeSource_Dim HandOverOtherIncomeSourceItem_Dim IncomeTaxOption_Dim |
TypeName | Content | Key Name | Page Name |
None | Release Notes - Payment HolidayClick here to view the release notes.
Release Notes - 201715 - PangolinClick here to view the release notes. Release Notes - 201841 - MatamataClick here to view the release notes. Release Notes - 201734 - WobbegonClick here to view the release notes. Release Notes - Arctic FoxClick here to view release notes. |