Release | 201713 - Chevrotain |
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Release Date | Nov
2017 |
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The release adds additional functional that allows finance
companies to use the Equifax Apply product for application evaluations at
- Is there a way for the Credit Team to see what documents a borrower has
been assigned via the document decision tree within Fusion? | |
| The
results of the document decision tree will be displayed against the
application in the “Documents Requested” tab. |
200237 - Equifax Apply Product | |
| The Equifax
Apply product will be added to the product options available to use from
Equifax. Extra
decision tree variables will be added to use extra data from the product. See
list below.The public API to retrieve application data and investor data will
include the new scores available from Equifax. · Application API - The following will be added o CB1 – Credit Bureau Positive Score o CB2 – Credit Bureau Positive Score o CB1 – Credit Bureau Alternate Negative Score o CB2 – Credit Bureau Alternate Negative Score o CB1 – Pre Qualification Credit Bureau Positive Score o CB2 – Pre Qualification Credit Bureau Positive Score o CB1 – Pre Qualification Credit Bureau Alternate
Negative Score o CB2 – Pre Qualification Credit Bureau Alternate
Negative Score · Investor details API (GET
/v1/{assetclass}/Investment/search) - The section
that returns the loan details: The following will be added o CB1 – Credit Bureau Positive Score o CB2 – Credit Bureau Positive Score o CB1 – Credit Bureau Alternate Negative Score o CB2 – Credit Bureau Alternate Negative Score o CB1 – Pre Qualification Credit Bureau Positive Score o CB2 – Pre Qualification Credit Bureau Positive Score o CB1 – Pre Qualification Credit Bureau Alternate Negative Score o CB2 – Pre Qualification Credit Bureau Alternate
Negative Score |
200237 - Equifax Apply Product | |
| The
credit bureau report will be modified to include comprehensive data |
Decision Tree | |
| Improvements
have been made to the decision tree capture to make it easier to find
questions that are available using the Clearmatch data, and the credit bureau
data from their different products. |
error in logs - when preview or download a document | |
| There
are some errors show in Clearmatch error log. When preview/download a document
or Create Display New Letter all is successfully but in exceptions appear in the
error logs. |
The following new decision tree variables will be
retrieved from the new Equifax Apply product
Comprehensive Data
ID | Variable Name | Variable Description | ClearMatch Decision Tree Variable |
scorecard-id | VSA_2.0_XY_CR | Score – credit bureau comprehensive score during
evaluation | CreditBureauScoreComprehensive |
scorecard-id | VSA_2.0_XY_CR | Score – credit bureau comprehensive score during
evaluation with factor applied as per business rule | CreditBureauScoreComprehensiveWithFactor |
scorecard-id | VSA_2.0_XY_NR | Score – credit bureau comprehensive negative score during
evaluation | CreditBureauScoreComprehensiveNegative |
scorecard-id | VSA_2.0_XY_NR | Score – credit bureau comprehensive negative score during
evaluation with factor applied as per business rule | CreditBureauScoreComprehensiveNegativeWithFactor |
scorecard-id | VSA_2.0_XY_CR | Score – credit bureau comprehensive score during
pre qualification | PreQualificationCreditBureauScoreComprehensive |
scorecard-id | VSA_2.0_XY_CR | Score – credit bureau comprehensive score during
pre qualification with factor applied as per business rule | PreQualificationCreditBureauScoreComprehensiveWithFactor |
scorecard-id | VSA_2.0_XY_NR | Score – credit bureau comprehensive negative score during pre
qualification | PreQualificationCreditBureauScoreComprehensiveNegative |
scorecard-id | VSA_2.0_XY_NR | Score – credit bureau comprehensive negative score during pre
qualification with factor applied as per business rule | PreQualificationCreditBureauScoreComprehensiveNegativeWithFactor |
scorecard-id | Score - credit bureau negative score during
evaluation | CreditBureauScore | |
scorecard-id | VSA_1.1_XY_NR | Score - credit bureau negative score during
evaluation with factor applied as per business rule | CreditBureauScoreWithFactor |
scorecard-id | VSA_1.1_XY_NR | Score - credit bureau negative score during pre
qualification | PreQualificationCreditBureauScore |
scorecard-id | VSA_1.1_XY_NR | Score - credit bureau negative score during
pre qualification with factor applied as per business rule | PreQualificationCreditBureauScoreWithFactor |
Veda code | Description | ClearMatch Decision Tree Variable | |
Number of
open accounts | CX0008_gcc_ac_op_0m | Financial - Number of open credit card
account | AccountsCountCreditCard |
CX0009_gpl_ac_op_0m | Financial - Number of open personal loan
accounts | AccountsCountPersonalLoan | |
CX0401_al_ac_op_0m | Financial - Number of open auto accounts | AccountsCountAutomotive | |
CX0010_rm_ac_op_0m | Financial - Number of open mortgage accounts | AccountsCountMortgage | |
Limits | CX0041_ac_op_lmt_s_0m | Financial - Sum of open account limits | AccountLimitsTotal |
CX0066_sec_ac_op_lmt_s_0m | Financial - Sum of open secured account
limits | AccountLimitsTotalSecured | |
CX0067_nsec_ac_op_lmt_s_0m | Financial - Sum of open unsecured account
limits | AccountLimitsTotalUnsecured | |
CX0045_gpl_ac_op_lmt_s_0m | Financial - Sum of open personal loan account
limits | AccountLimitTotalPersonalLoan | |
CX0044_gcc_ac_op_lmt_s_0m | Financial - Sum of open credit card account
limits | AccountLimitTotalCreditCard | |
CX0406_al_ac_op_lmt_s_0m | Financial - Sum of open auto account limits | AccountLimitTotalAutomotive | |
Accts by
repayment status | CX0100_ac_rs1_24m | Financial - Number of open accounts where
repayment status was 1+ in the last 24 months | AccountRepaymentStatus1PlusInLast24 |
CX0101_ac_rs2_24m | Financial - Number of open accounts where
repayment status was 2+ in the last 24 months | AccountRepaymentStatus2PlusInLast24 | |
CX0102_ac_rs3_24m | Financial - Number of open accounts where
repayment status was 3+ in the last 24 months | AccountRepaymentStatus3PlusInLast24 | |
CX0103_ac_rs4_24m | Financial
- Number of open accounts where repayment status was 4+ in the last 24 months | AccountRepaymentStatus4PlusInLast24 | |
delinquency | CX0184_wrs_0m | Financial - Worst open account repayment
status | AccountRepaymentStatusWorst |
CX0185_wrs_12m | Financial - Worst open account repayment
status in the last 12 months | AccountRepaymentStatusWorst12 | |
CX0186_wrs_24m | Financial - Worst open account repayment
status in the last 24 months | AccountRepaymentStatusWorst24 | |
since worst delinquency | CX0339_time_worst_dlq_24m | Financial - Months since worst open account repayment status in the last
24 months | AccountRepaymentStatusMthsSinceStatusWorst24 |
since last CLI | CX0389_nsec_time_lmt_inc_24m | Financial - Months since last open unsecured
account limits increased in the last 24 months | AccountLimitsMthsUnsecuredIncreasedin24 |
since last delinquency | CX0160_ac_op_mth_rs1_24m | Financial - Months since any open account
repayment status was 1+ in the last 24 months | AccountRepaymentStatusMthsSince1PlusInLast24 |
history | CX0234_rs1_12m | Financial - Months out of the last 12 where
the worst open account repayment status was 1+ | AccountRepaymentStatusMthsOutOfLast12Worst1 |
CX0233_rs2_12m | Financial - Months out of the last 12 where
the worst open account repayment status was 2+ | AccountRepaymentStatusMthsOutOfLast12Worst2 | |
CX0232_rs3_12m | Financial - Months out of the last 12 where
the worst open account repayment status was 3+ | AccountRepaymentStatusMthsOutOfLast12Worst3 | |
CX0231_rs4_12m | Financial - Months out of the last 12 where
the worst open account repayment status was 4+ | AccountRepaymentStatusMthsOutOfLast12Worst4 | |
Closure | CX0352_wrs_closure_24m | Financial - Worst repayment status at closure
in the last 24 months | AccountRepaymentStatusWorstAtClosureIn24 |
Key Summary Characteristics
NR Characteristics
ID | Variable Name | Variable Description | ClearMatch Decision Tree Variable |
NX7514 | NX7514_df_12m | Number of consumer defaults/SCI in the last
12 months | DefaultsCountConsumer12 |
NY7514 | NY7514_df_12m | Number of commercial defaults/SCI in the last
12 months | DefaultsCountCommercial12 |
NX7518 | NX7518_df_tcut_12m | Number of consumer telco or utility
defaults/SCI in the last 12 months | DefaultsCountConsumerTelcoUtiliy12 |
NX7520 | NX7520_df_tcut_60_84m | Number of consumer telco or utility
defaults/SCI in the last 60/84 months | DefaultsCountConsumerTelcoUtiliy |
NY7518 | NY7518_df_tcut_12m | Number of commercial telco or utility
defaults/SCI in the last 12 months | DefaultsCountCommercialTelcoUtiliy12 |
NY7520 | NY7520_df_tcut_60_84m | Number of commercial telco or utility
defaults/SCI in the last 60/84 months | DefaultsCountCommercialTelcoUtiliy |
NX7589 | NX7589_df_time_1 | Months since last consumer default/SCI | DefaultsConsumerTimeSinceLast |
NY7589 | NY7589_df_time_1 | Months since last commercial default/SCI | DefaultsCommercialTimeSinceLast |
NX7588 | NX7588_df_latamt_60_84m | Total latest dollar amount of consumer
defaults/SCI in the last 60/84 months | DefaultsTotalConsumerLatest |
NY7588 | NY7588_df_latamt_60_84m | Total latest dollar amount of commercial
defaults/SCI in the last 60/84 months | DefaultsTotalCommercialLatest |
NX8001 | NX8001_enq_3m | Number of consumer enquiries in the last 3
months | EnquiriesCountConsumer3 |
NY8001 | NY8001_enq_3m | Number of commercial enquiries in the last 3
months | EnquiriesCountCommercial3 |
| | Number of consumer and commercial enquiries
in the last 60 months | EnquiriesCount60 Calculated as EnquiriesCountConsumer60 +
EnquiriesCountCommercial60 |
ApplicationFinancialProfile_Dim | CurrentCB1AltNegativeScore CurrentCB1PositiveScore CurrentCB2AltNegativeScore CurrentCB2PositiveScore CurrentQualificationCB1AltNegativeScore CurrentQualificationCB1PositiveScore CurrentQualificationCB2AltNegativeScore CurrentQualificationCB2PositiveScore | ||
| Customer_Dim | CurrentLatestCB1AltNegativeScore CurrentLatestCB1PositiveScore CurrentLatestCB2AltNegativeScore CurrentLatestCB2PositiveScore | |
DecisionData_Dim | CurrentAltScoreCardRelativeRisk CurrentAltScoreCardScore CurrentPositiveScoreCardRelativeRisk CurrentPositiveScoreCardScore | ||
FinanceAgreementFinancialProfile_Dim | CurrentCB1AltNegativeScore CurrentCB1PositiveScore CurrentCB2AltNegativeScore CurrentCB2PositiveScore CurrentQualificationCB1AltNegativeScore CurrentQualificationCB1PositiveScore CurrentQualificationCB2AltNegativeScore CurrentQualificationCB2PositiveScore | ||
HandOverFinancialProfile_Dim | CurrentQualificationCB1AltNegativeScore CurrentQualificationCB1PositiveScore CurrentQualificationCB2AltNegativeScore CurrentQualificationCB2PositiveScore | ||
Customer_Dim | CurrentLatestCB1NegativeScore | ||
Customer_Dim | Deleted Fields CurrentLatestVedaCreditScore |
The following content, help and validation messages have been added and
need to be personalised.
TypeName | Content | Key Name | Page Name |
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The following new security permissions are available and need to be
assigned to the correct user groups to enable access.
Permission Type | Class Name | Can Create | Can Delete | Can Read | Can Update |
ClassSecurityPermission | DecisionMethodName | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
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Method Access
Type | Class
Name | Method
Name |
StringQuestion | StringQuestion.EditStringQuestion | |
MethodSecurityPermission | DoubleQuestion | DoubleQuestion.EditDoubleQuestion |
MethodSecurityPermission | BooleanQuestion | BooleanQuestion.EditBooleanQuestion |
MethodSecurityPermission | ScorecardStringQuestion | ScorecardStringQuestion.EditScorecardStringQuestion |
MethodSecurityPermission | ScorecardNumberQuestion | ScorecardNumberQuestion.EditScorecardNumberQuestion |
MethodSecurityPermission | ScorecardBooleanQuestion | ScorecardBooleanQuestion.EditScorecardBooleanQuestion |
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Title |
201713 – Chevrotain Task Breakdown.doc |