Release Notes - 201722 – Edit Application – Sprint 2

Release Notes - 201722 – Edit Application – Sprint 2


201722 – Edit Application – Sprint 2



Release Date

Oct 2017







1 Summary


The release adds functionality to the edit application page to make it more user friendly. The following has been done to the page:

In addition a number of improvements have been made to other parts of the application and also a number of issues resolved as detailed below in the details section of this document.

- A summary page has been added which will contain the most commonly used application data. This will limit the time users will need to page from one section of edit application to another.

- Ability to add commentary notes without having to exit edit application and using the notes features.

- Different controls to edit income, expense and debt types so can add all at once instead of adding one at a time to a grid

- as per income after tax sprint allow to enter income before or after tax and also in different periods (weekly, monthly etc)

- make the "surplus section" more easily viewable on all edit app tabs so not always at the bottom

- filter option on yodlee bank data tab to search for certain transactions


2 Take Note Of


  • No new portal content blocks that have been added that require personalisation.

  • New security permissions that have been added that need to be assigned to user groups to allow access.


  • No new display variables have been added.


3 Release Details



Summary Page added to edit application


A summary page has been added to edit application. The page will display:
  • Demographics
  • Employment
  • Income
  • Other sources of income
  • Total Income
  • Debt and Credit
  • Expenses
  • Living Expense Table Details
  • Application Details
  • Qualification Results

The original values at time of assessment will also be displayed together with the monthly value. The following changes will also be implemented:

· The age displayed will also appear on the related parties tab. This is read only and calculated according to date of birth.

· The income table, debt table and expenses table will all be modified to capture the details inline inside the table instead of adding one by one. The “More” option in the table will allow the user to capture the additional details not displayed initially.

· The serviceability section will be moved into the “recalculate” section accessed when the user clicks the “recalculate” button. This makes it easier to find as not at the bottom of the page.

· The user will be able to enter notes. The notes entered will appear in the notes table and must use the note category “Account Admin – Internal”. When editing an application, the notes will be viewable in the original place they were entered.



Filter on online bank statement tab on application


A filter will be placed on the online bank statement which will allow a user to search for specific transactions. The filter will contain

· Bank – a drop down list of all the online banks the user has online bank statements at

· Bank Account – a drop down list of all the online bank accounts the user has online bank statements at

· Transaction From Date – calendar control (same as in transactions on finance agreement)

· Transaction To Date -calendar control (same as in transactions on finance agreement)

· Transaction Type – Drop down list containing Debit and Credit

· Category – drop list of all categories, from the online bank statement the customer has

· Narrative – text box that allow a like search. Search for text that has the words supplied in the description


Able to view details in same format as “Edit Application” from within an application audit


When viewing the audit details on an application, the “edit application” link will be made available so the user can open to view the audit details in the edit application format. The details will all be read only and the page will have the audit colours.


Carry forward username entered in portal sign in page to forgot password page


1) Open the sign in page
2) Enter username and click on forgot password
3) The username should be carried forward to forgot password page



Support ticket 6028 - Effective Date on reinvestment option not working correctly


Hi NZ - if an investor has an automated repayment frequency setup, when adding a new reinvestment option it should default the effective date to the next automated repayment frequency date, and you cant change it.

But I can see in prod that investor services have added a new option for an existing investor (C125460) and were able to change the date. I checked in UAT, and even though the cancel sign is there you are still able to change the date.


From task breakdown

  • If the current active automated payment frequency for the investor is weekly, the effective date will be the next Monday from the trading date and cannot be changed.
  • If the current active automated payment frequency for the investor is fortnightly, the effective date will be the second Monday from the trading date and cannot be changed.
  • If the current active automated payment frequency for the investor is monthly, the effective date will be the 1st of the next month and cannot be changed.
  • If the current active automated payment frequency for the investor is quarterly, the effective date will be the beginning of the next quarter and cannot be changed.
  • If the current active automated payment frequency for the investor is semi-annually, the effective date will be the next 1st of July or 1st Jan from the trading date whichever is closer and cannot be changed.
  • If the current active automated payment frequency for the investor is annually, the effective date will be the beginning of the next year from the trading date and cannot be changed.
  • If the current active automated payment frequency is not set or one does not exist, then the following message will be displayed “Please indicate the automated repayment frequency for the investor before the reinvestment option can be created.”


Check Box missing against "Perform Credit Check" on Edit Application






Related parties" other Income "and "Assets and Liabilities" doesn't get saved



Steps to reproduce :
Create lease application
Add related parties and add all details under "Employment" section
Submit the application
Go Edit application
Issue 1:
Check other source of income
Check Assets and liabilities

No data gets displayed

Currently data is saved on financial details of customer which is in Central database
it should save against to application in asset class



Related parties" expense type" is saved against financial details of customer instead of Application



Create lease application
Add related parties and add all details on Employment and Income
Go to lease ->Edit application

Nothing displays on Expense type
Currently Expense Type is saved on financial details of customer which is in Central database
it should save against to application in asset class.



Ability to categorise the asset groups by the different security types allowed in Clearmatch


On asset groups, add under functions menu "Add Security Type". this drop down list must contain the below list:


When capturing securities, only allow the asset groups for the specific security to be captured


On app pages in ClearMatch, when capturing securities,
1) the asset group drop down should only list the asset groups for the type of security being captured i.e. as per above list
2) asset category drop down list does not contain all asset categories linked to the asset group selected, it is listing all which is incorrect


Duplicate address issue


A scenario where duplicate address gets recorded.

Steps to replicate:
1.Create application from services.
2.Enter physical address.
2 Address gets added (by default physical address = mailing address)
3.Handover the application to latitude .
4.Do not add postal address. Leave it to the default value (screenshot below)

Another address gets recorded


Mortgage - Minimum weekly repayment amount -cannot be greater than 100


Validation existed to only allow the minimum weekly repayment amount on a debt type to be less than $100. This is incorrect and has been removed.


Add a note for decision tree throws dev error


1) Click on Decision tree and you will be navigated to display decision tree page
2) Click on Add a note
3) Select Category as Borrower Message to Customer and text and text
4) Click Save
You get an error


6128 Debt/Credit Commitments & Expenses Association tab should not be accessed


On Clearmatch Application page

Select association tab

1. Debt/Credit Commitments & Expenses Association tab should not be accessed, and should not have an option to edit. Should be able to click through and see the display page as it shows who created it etc. But should not be able to edit or create new debt types from within display page

2. When you select the  Expenses Association you get an error


change error message on promise to pay


when creating a promise to pay there is an error message that says
"invalid payment date. there are two payments that resolve to the same day...

Please add the below to the end of the message
"This may be due to the fact that a payment is due on a weekend or public holiday and has been moved. Please review your payment dates."


Min Time at Employer taking Min time at Residence for new Smart Fund Product Mandate


Steps to reproduce

1. Create a new Smart fund product mandate

- Min Time At Residence - Insert 60

- Min Time At Employer- Insert 40

2.Create a new Smart Fund Product Mandate for the Same Investor

Expected : The second smart fund product mandate should use the values in the first smart fund product mandate.

Actual : Min Time at employer use the Min time at residence .


can enter comma in address when entered manually


From within Clearmatch users are able to enter a comma into an address when supplying manual address details.


While performing PTP calculations the tasks (action page) gets stuck in calculation page


1) Click on any Finance Agreements which is Active
2) Click on New PTP under Payment Arrangement
3) Click on Create PTP under Promise to Pay
4) Click on Actions now
Tasks actions side bar gets stuck on the page


DEV errors when adding a note in many places


Instance 1:
1) Click on Organisational Structure under Configuration
2) Click on Originator group product
3) Societyone->Business rules
4) Click on Add a note under Notes & alerts from Actions
5) Select a note add test and click save

Instance 2:
1) Click on setup
2) Click on active decision tree
3) Click on Add a note under Notes & alerts from Actions
4) Select a note add test and click save

Instance 3:
1) Click on Organisational Structure under Configuration
2) Click on Finance Company
3) Societyone->Business rules
4) Click on Add a note under Notes & alerts from Actions
5) Select a note add test and click save

Instance 4:
1) Click on setup
2) Click on Scorecard and click on any record
3) Click on Add a note under Notes & alerts from Actions
4) Select a note add test and click save


Fix display for change payment Plan


In a finance agreements, the “change payment plan tab” has no spaces between the words

The finance company drop down on reports dashboard is not remembering the details supplied


- go to reports dashboard
- select SocietyOne finance company
- go to investment dashboard
- click the back button in ClearMatch
- goes back to the reports dashboard but finance company is not remembered.

I have to select the finance company each time. It should default when page first loaded but should remember once I supply the details


Added more details to the filter on membership security permissions


The following has been added to the filter on membership security permissions


Asset Class



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