Retrieve verification code - personal customers

Retrieve verification code - personal customers

When a  customer is created either via the portal registration process or in Clearmatch Fusion, a  verification code will be automatically generated and supplied to the customer by email.  This code will need to be entered when the customer signs in to the portal for the first time, to authenticate and verify that they are the correct person. 

In the instances where customers have either lost their verification code or have not received the email with verification code, the retrieve verification code functionality can be used to retrieve the verification code. Steps on how to do that is mentioned below. 

1. Login to Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Customers > Personal Customer Search:

3. Use the Filter Options to search for the customer (click on the button once the filter selection has been made):

4. Once the customer has been found, select them (click on the link via their Name or Number):

5. This will redirect to the Display Personal Customer screen for the selected customer. Click on the Actions Panel  > Functions > Retrieve Verification Code:

6. On the Retrieve Verification Code screen, enter the following details:

Authorisation Code: This is the authorisation code of the user who is logged in and processing this operation.  
Supervisor Username: This is the username of a supervisor (a security clearance level equal to or higher of the user entering their authorisation code).
Supervisor Authorisation Code: This is the authorisation code of the supervisor that has been used above. 

Click on the  button to display the verification code or the  button to return back to the Display Personal Customer screen:

7. A separate popup will appear with the verification code (that can be copied and pasted):

To exit out of the popup box, click on the  button.
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