Add a user group

Add a user group

User groups control the access to functions and operations within the Clearmatch system. Access rights are assigned to user groups and each system user in the user group then inherits those access rights.  NOTE: Users with security access and also with a clearance level of Internal Administrator will be able to modify user groups.

1. Login to Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Configuration > Security:

3. Select the User Groups option under User Groups:

4. The List User Groups screen will be displayed. In order to create or add a new user group, click on the plus/cross icon  located in the top right hand corner:

5. Select the Finance Company from the drop down list and enter the Name of the user group that needs to be created:
Click on the  button to create the user group or the  button to return back to the List User Groups page.

6. Once redirected to the List User Groups screen, search for the user group that was just created and select it:

6. Once selected it will show the Display User Group screen for that user group. In order to add the user(s) to the user group, select the Action Panel  > Functions > Add User:

7. Finally, select the user that needs to be added to the group from the drop down list, and click on the  button:

Alternatively, to return back to the List User Groups screen and exit from the process of creating a new user group, press the  button.
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