Set the membership security permissions for a customer

Set the membership security permissions for a customer

Membership security roles control the permission for the portal. The permission assigned will determine the pages and functions in the portal that the member will have access to. 

1. Log into Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Customers > either select Personal Customer Search or Business Customer Search (depending on the requirement):

3. Search for the customer using the Filter Options (click on the  button once the filter selection has been made):

4. Once the customer has been found, select them (click on the link via their Name or Number):  

5. This will redirect to the Display Personal Customer or Display Business Customer page for that selected customer (depending on what menu item was selected on step 2). Click on the Action Panel  > Update > Membership Security Role

6. Select the appropriate options for the customer from the drop down lists: 
Membership Security Role: Select from the list of active membership security roles to assign the correct role to the investor 
Customer Clearance Level: This determines what information is displayed on the portal, and by default will be set to Personal for personal customers or Staff or Manager for staff members customers.  

Click on the  button to add the membership security role to the investor or the  button to return back to the Display Personal Customer or Display Business Customer page.

8. Once redirected to the Display Personal Customer or Display Business Customer screen, click on the Account association tab (or quick links if enabled) and it will show the updated or added membership security role: