Setting up SMS service provider

Setting up SMS service provider

The preferred service provider used to send SMS messages from within Clearmatch is Message Media.

Finance companies will need to be able to successfully configure the required settings for the SMS gateway (Message Media) and can be setup using the instructions detailed below.

1. Login to Cleamatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Configuration > Component Configuration :

3. Select the SMS Message option under Settings :

4. Click on the cross/plus icon  to add a new setting against Message Media. Enter the following details:
Finance Company – This is a drop down list of all available finance companies.
Production Username – This is the username for production (to send SMS messages).
Production Password – This is the password for production in conjunction with the username.
Production Send Mode – This is a drop down list of the mode types for production.
Production Expiry Period – This is the expiry period (in days) for production.
Sandbox Username – This is the username for the sandbox (to send SMS messages).
Sandbox Password – This is the password for the sandbox in conjunction with the username.
Sandbox Send Mode – This is a drop down list of the mode types for the sandbox.
Sandbox Expiry Period – This is the expiry period (in days) for the sandbox.
Email To SMS Address – This is a specific configuration address/URL for MessageMedia.
Production Api Client Id – This is the ID for the API client in production.
Sandbox Api Client Secret – This is the secret for the sandbox API.
Sandbox Api Base Url – This is the URL or link that is used for the sandbox API.
In Active – This is a check box that states whether or not this setting is inactive.

Click on the  button to create the new setting or the  button to return back to the List Message Media SMS Settings page.

NOTE: If there are any existing Message Media SMS settings, when the setting is selected it opens and they can either be removed (by clicking on the trash can icon ) or edited (by clicking on the pencil icon ).

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