Setup an originator staff member from within Clearmatch Fusion

Setup an originator staff member from within Clearmatch Fusion

Staff members at originator groups and at originators are able to sign into the Clearmatch portal in order to manage applications and finance agreements on behalf of their borrowers. Staff members need to be created with Clearmatch Fusion.

1. Navigate to Configuration > Organisational Structure:

2. Select the Internal Originator Groups option under Originator Groups:

3. Select the relevant originator group that requires the need for a staff member. 

4. To add a staff member, click on the Action Panel  > Relationships > Add Staff:

5. Using the Search Personal Customers Filter Options, find the details of the existing customer that needs to be added as the staff member and press the  button:

6. Once the customer has been found, click on the Select option which will add that customer as a staff member:  

If the customer does not exist in the list click on the cross/plus icon  in the top right hand corner, to add then so they can be used as a staff member.  See details here on how to create a customer.

7. Once the staff member has been added successfully,the membership security role will need to be set against that staff member as this will control the access the staff member has in the portal. 

Staff members can also be created directly from within the customer by access the "Roles > Create Staff Member" menu item in the actions menu.
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