Setup automated repayment frequency for investors

Setup automated repayment frequency for investors

Investors are able to specify how often an automatic payment is made e.g. a payment of funds earned. The finance company will be able to define the different automated repayment frequencies that are available for different investment categories.

Investors created will have the ability of selecting an automated repayment frequency only if it has been assigned to the investment category they are allocated to. If automated repayment frequencies have not been added to the investment category you will be able to do it following the steps in this article

This function will create an automatic withdrawal for an investor based on the payment frequency that is chosen. These payments will all be net of withholding tax liability. 

The steps to add an automated repayment frequency are outlined below:

1. Log in to Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to Home Pages > Investing :

3. Select the Investors option under Fund Accounts :

4. Use the Filter Options to find the investor that requires the automated repayment frequency (click on the  button once the filter selection has been made): 

5. Once an investor has been selected, click on the Action Panel   > Investment Options > Add Automated Repayment Frequency :

6. Enter the following details below:

Effective Date : The date that the changes will take effect or be applied which should either be a current or future date.
Asset Clas s: This is a drop down list of active asset classes that are available for selection.
Automated Repayment Frequency : This is a drop down list of active automated repayment frequencies for the investment category of the investor and the asset class selected NOTE : If the Fund asset clas is selected, the payment frequency cannot be less than monthly.
- Weekly payments will be processed on the Monday of every week
- Monthly payments will be processed on the first of every month
- Quarterly payments will be processed on the first day of every quarter
Bank Account : This is a drop down list of open bank accounts for the customer (that have been flagged as 'enable bank account for investing').
Authorisation Code : This is the authorisation code of the user who is logged in to successfully complete the operation.
Supervisor Username : This is the username of a supervisor (a security clearance level equal to or higher of the user creating this repayment frequency).
Supervisor Authorisation Code : This is the authorisation code of the supervisor that has been used above.

Click on the   button to create the automated repayment frequency or the   button to return back to the  Display Investor  screen.

NOTE : If the bank account number has not been added to the investor, follow the steps in this article , to add the bank account to the selected investor.
7. Once the automated repayment frequency has been added, click on the Automated Repayment Frequency association tab (or the Quick Links, if enabled) to view the changes that were made:

NOTE : Users will not be able to edit or delete automated repayment frequencies options. New options can only be added. When an automated repayment frequency is created, it will appear in the automated repayment frequency log which will show the history of all options created for the investor:

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