Single sign on - logging into Fusion with your active directory account

Single sign on - logging into Fusion with your active directory account

1. Use this specific URLto log into Clearmatch Fusion NOTE: it is different to the default Fusion home page as it uses the provider which is what is setup in the section Link Active Directory to Clearmatch Fusion Account.

2. This will redirect to a login page with details along the bottom stating that the user is able to login with a Windows account:

3. Click on the Microsoft icon on the bottom right-hand corner to continue.

4. It will redirect to the Clearmatch Sign In page for the Sandbox, where the username can be entered:

5. It should then redirect to the GoDaddy Office 365 login page where it should automatically populate the username based on the previous step and simply enter the password before clicking on the Sign In button:

6. It will then log into Clearmatch Fusion with the Microsoft credentials:

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