Upload customer documents in Clearmatch Fusion

Upload customer documents in Clearmatch Fusion

Document that are specific to the entity structure of the customer are uploaded and available to view against the customer.

Documents relating to the structure of the customer, are referred to in the platform as "documents to be supplied by customersi.e. company documents, trust documents etc. these documents have nothing to do with investing in specific asset classes or products. Keep in mind that the platform allows defined entities to invest and borrow. There are rules which can be set to restrict either but when thinking of structure documents these are documents that relate to the entity itself and have nothing to do with what that entity will be doing in the platform. So if an entity is a trust the structure documents are all the documents that are specific to the entity being a trust example "a trust deed".  This is a document that will be required regardless if the trust is investing or borrowing. Another example is all documents required to AML verify the customer.

1. Navigate to Customers > select either Personal Customer Search or Business Customer Search (depending on the requirement):

NOTE:  This article will outline the steps for adding documents for a personal customer but the process is the same for business customers. 

2. Use the Filter Options to try and find the customer (click on the  button once the filter selection has been made):

3. Once the customer has been found, select them (click on the link via their Name or Number): 

4. This will redirect to the Display Personal Customer screen for the selected customer. Click on the Action Panel  Letters & Documents > Upload Customer Document By Document Type

It is important to use this menu item as it allows a document received to be uploaded and identified as the correct document requested.

5. Select the appropriate Document Type from the drop down list:

Click on the  button to continue or the  button to return back to the Display Personal Customer screen. 

6. Enter the following details:

Select file: This will open the Windows File Explorer to browse for and select the document that is required for the investor. 
Description: By default, the description of the file will be the name of the document that was selected in step 5 (and cannot be changed).
File Name: Enter the actual name of the file, if it differs from the description.

Click on the  button to add the document or the  button to return back to the Display Personal Customer screen.

7. Once the document(s) has been added, it can be reviewed under the Documents tab (or Quick Links if enabled):

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