Adding a bid to a list of bulk bids
Bulk bids are bids that have been placed in bulk for multiple investors at the same time against a listing/ application either by: Importing bids from a csv file Smartfund BOTS engine placing bids automatically with the business rule set to not auto ...
Modifying Bulk Bids
Bulk bids are bids that have been placed in bulk for multiple investors at the same time against a listing/ application either by: Importing bids from a csv file Smartfund BOTS engine placing bids automatically with the business rule set to not auto ...
Approving bulk dids
Bulk bids are bids that have been placed in bulk for multiple investors at the same time against a listing/ application either by: Importing bids from a csv file Smartfund BOTS engine placing bids automatically with the business rule set to not auto ...
Smartfund BOTS
Smartfund allows for bids to be placed automatically for investors against borrower applications / listing based on mandate rules defined for the investors. Smartfund is made up of the following: Business rules that control the overall parameters ...
Import bids
Finance company users are able to import multiple bids from a csv file against a listing / application in Fusion. This can be used to place multiple bids for multiple investors very easily instead of placing one bid at a time. 1. Select the Home ...
Place a single bid
The purpose of this specific option, is to allow finance companies to place a single bid for a single investor. 1. Login to Clearmatch Fusion: 2. Select the Home Pages menu > then select Borrowing: 3. Select the Listings option: 4. Using ...
Place multiple bids
The purpose of this specific option, is to allow finance companies to place multiple bids for multiple investors at once. 1. Login to Clearmatch Fusion: 2. Select the Home Pages menu > then select Borrowing: 3. Select the Listings option: 4. Using ...