Fees Payable
Manually create a fees payable payment run
There may be instances where a party would like to be paid and is not willing to wait for the automated payment run to take place as per the next schedule. It these cases a payment run can be manually created. You will not be allowed to create a ...
Adjust a fees payable payment run
There may be instances where a finance company would like to adjust the amount paid to the parties and not pay the full amount as has been calculated by the automated payment run. Payment runs can only be adjusted if they have not already been ...
Process a fees payable payment run - pay the parties
When a payment run has been created either automatically or manually the status of the run will be "Pending", indicating that it is available for review. Once reviewed the payment run will need to be generated in order to make the payment to the ...
Cancel a fees payable payment run
When a fees payable payment run is cancelled, the details are updated so that the transactions that generated the payment are led and handled correctly as 'overs and unders' in the next payment run. The 'overs and unders" are transactions that have ...
Fees payable payment run
Fees payable are fees that are paid by the finance company to 3rd parties example custodians and trustees. It is VERY IMPORTANT that parties are paid through the payment runs. Fees payable can be generated in two ways: Automatically by a service ...