Change payment plan maintenance queue
Clearmatch has a queue that can be used to view any change payment plans that need have been activated and are running in the background. Change payment plans take time to activate and as such the activation will be completed in the background ...
Workflow documents maintenance queue
Clearmatch has a queue that can be used to view any workflow documents that have/have not been generated. This will allow users to view documents that are: Complete (historical documents have been generated) Failed (an issue occurred that needs to be ...
Partner notification queue
Partner notifications are notifications that are sent to an external "controlling service" that contains all the business logic that will in turn send notifications on to one or many other "services" . These services can be used to perform a number ...
Email maintenance queue
Clearmatch has a queue that can be used to view any email messages that have/have not been sent. This will allow users to view email messages that are: Complete (historical messages have been sent) Failed (an issue occurred that needs to be resolved) ...
Find the email address setup for test environments
in the test environments emails will not be sent to the email address of the individuals. Instead they will be intrcepted and sent to an email address where they can be viewed for test purposes. Emails will be intercepted and sent to the email ...