Business Rules
Investor business rule
The investor business rule is captured against an investment category and will determine certain functionality for all investors that are assigned to the investment category, example - if Smarfund BOTS will place bids for the investors - how rates ...
Warehouse entity - warehouse settings business rule
The warehouse settings business rule is available to any warehouse that has been setup as a "securitised warehouse" and allows the user to set the parameters that are used in order to determine if the warehouse will participate in funding an ...
Fees business rule
Business rules exist at originator group product level, allowing finance companies to set rules and settings that are specific to each combination of originator group and product. The fees business rule contains the rules that will be used for ...
Originator commission business rule
A business rule exists against each originator group and product combination that controls how and when the originator commission is applied. This allows for different rules to be applied to originators for each combination of originator group and ...
Originator group - product settings business rule
Business rules exist at originator group product level, allowing finance companies to set rules and settings that are specific to each combination of originator group and product. The product settings business rule contains the the primary rules for ...
Small balance write-off
The small balance write off functionality within Clearmatch only applies to an amount owing by the borrower not an amount that we owe the borrower. If we owe the borrower money they must withdraw it by logging into the portal and withdrawing funds ...
Days to clear funds
The "days to clear funds" system setting looks at the number of calendar days to wait before Clearmatch considers the funds that have been deposited via direct debit or cheque, actually cleared, and available for use. BPAY transactions are cleared ...
Online banking adverse words
The online banking adverse words list looks for words that have been input into a list and flags them to the credit department during the evaluation process. Navigation to find the current list for the product that you are using is outlined below. 1. ...
Finance agreement business rule
Business rules exist at originator group product level, allowing finance companies to set rules and settings that are specific to each combination of originator group and product. The finance agreement business rule contains the the rules for ...
Listing and application business rule
Business rules exist at originator group product level, allowing finance companies to set rules and settings that are specific to each combination of originator group and product. The listing and applications business rule contains the the rules for ...
Cost of living business rule
Business rules exist at originator group product level, allowing finance companies to set rules and settings that are specific to each combination of originator group and product. The cost of living business rule contains the the rules for ...