Email workflow on application process step change
Email workflow on application process step change can be used to generate email to customers automatically when the step of an application changes. This document will be outlining the steps on how to create an email workflow on application process ...
Email templates
Email templates are used to define the layout, colours, logos, wording of emails that will be generated from within Clearmatch. Once email templates have been defined, they can be configured to be emailed manually or automatically from relevant ...
Setup personal customer email configs
Email configurations allow business to define which email templates are available for emailing from which parts of the system. This allows a finance company to control which templates are used. Before creating the email configurations, email ...
Create an email template
This document will be outlining the steps on how to create an email template. Email templates need to be created first in order for emails to be sent out. The content in the template is what the customer will receive. Here is a video that shows you ...
Setting up email configurations
The setting up of email configuration needs to be created to ensure that the relevant email templates are available, visible and can be assigned to a specific process. Example: only certain email templates need to be accessible from within an ...
Setup an automated email workflow on status change
Application and Listing workflow emails are used to generate an email automatically when the status of an application or listing changes. This document will be outlining the steps on how to create an application work flow email. 1. To setup an ...