BBSW (bank bill swap) rates
Used for investors that are funding at rates determined by the BBSW rates. The BBSW rate will need to be defined and it is the 3 month mid rate that is used. The final rate that will be used for investing will be the BBSW rate plus or minus the ...
Finance agreement finance detail change reason
Finance agreement finance detail change reasons are pre-defined reasons that the finance company can define that can be used by team members when they modify the financial details on a finance agreement. 1. To create a reason, navigate ...
Finance Agreement Original Amount The amount the borrower initially asked for Amount The amount that was agreed with the borrower during credit assessment Amount Financed The total amount financed i.e. the full amount the borrower borrowed. To see a ...
Insurance policy class
The insurance policies can be classed into industry defined categories Examples of insurance policy classes 1. To create an insurance policy class, navigate to Configuration > Setup > Insurance Policy Class under the “Insurance Policies Section” ...
Insurance policy type
The insurance policy type determines if the insurance policy is cancellable or non-cancellable. Examples of insurance policy types 1. To create an insurance policy type, navigate to Configuration > Setup > Insurance Policy Type under the “Insurance ...
Insurance brokers
1. To create an insurance broker, navigate to Configuration > Setup > Insurance Brokers under the “Insurance Policies Section” 2. Please ensure you filter to check the insurance broker does not already exist before capturing a new one. 3. The first ...
1. To create an Insurer, navigate to Configuration > Setup > Insurers under the “Insurance Policies Section” 2. Please ensure you filter to check the insurer does not already exist before capturing a new one. 3. The first step will be to setup a ...
Business types
The platform allows businesses to be categorised as per the business types defined on Code Description ADF Approved Deposit Fund ARF APRA Regulated Fund (Fund Type Unknown) NPF APRA Regulated Non-Public ...
Income sources
List of all the income sources you will collect details on from borrowers. This does not include employment income if the borrower is an individual. Other sources of income are used to: collect information from the borrower at time of creating the ...
Expense types
Existing expenses are any periodic expenses a borrower is required to make payment for. collect information from the borrower at time of creating the quote/application collect information from the borrower by the credit assessors at time of ...
Debt types
Existing debt commitments are any periodic repayment a borrower is required to make toward repayment of an existing debt facility. Debt types are used to: collect information from the borrower at time of creating the quote/application collect ...