Note categories
Note categories are used to classify the different notes / messages that are sent to members, both investors and borrowers. Note categories are defined and preset in the platform and automatically take place when actions takes place in the platform. ...
Creating a template for notes to be sent via email or SMS
The content to be used for a note will be entered against the note category for each originator group. In order for a note to be sent, the template to use must be created first. This template can be setup as either an SMS message or email. 1. In ...
Creating note content
There are a number of predefined note categories that exist in the platform that will be generated when certain actions or events take place. A finance company is able to modify the content of a note to be specific down to originator group and ...
Enabling note content
After creating the content, it now has to be enabled via this setting in order for the SMS (or email) to be sent successfully. Several notes can be created at any time but will not be active until this process is completed. To find out how to create ...