Notifications are used for all types of messaging to users of the platform. At this point it will be used when the user does any of the following and the processes run in the background in order for the user to continue to do other things while ...
Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length - Automatch in Banking is not working
If you have an instance where the automatch for banking is not working and you receive this error message: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length This is as a result of a narrative within a dishonoured ...
SmartFund BOTS - Technical Overview
Introduction This document outlines the BOT (Smartfund) investor bidding process in full, including sample files and field/column descriptions. Process Overview Fully Automated Version Environment 1- Clearmatch Application API triggers a ‘come and ...
Office 365 - Clearmatch catchall emails
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/30462.catch-all-mailbox-office365.aspx How to set up catch all email address on office 365 In order to do this, we need to use a transport rule which imposes a couple of restrictions. This ...
Office 365 - Move unmatched emails to unmatch folder setup
NOTE: YOU HAVE TO CREATE A CUSTOM FOLDER – ‘UnMatch‘ FIRST BEFORE CONTINUING WITH THE TASKS BELOW. 1. Click Settings icon from top right menu 2. Click Mail link from the bottom right menu 3. Click ‘Inbox and sweep rules’ from the Options menu on the ...
Office 365 - API setup
1. Login to https://apps.dev.microsoft.com use admin account create app, note down Application Id, Application Secrets, Redirect URL. 2. Choose Native platform, Setup Microsoft Graph Permissions as below: Read mail in all mailboxes Read and write ...
Office 365 - Single Sign On - Azure AD Authentication with OpenID Connect
Office 365 subscription comes with Azure Active Directory, that you can use to integrate authentication with your applications. This is a quick guide on how to configure applications to authenticate using Azure Active Directory. 1. Go to ...
Single sign on - possible issues
Logging in with Fusion Account Details There may be some instances where you have entered your username and password in the Fusion login page: Then once the Sign In button is pressed, you see this error message on the screen: The reason for this is ...
Clearmatch statuses
The list of status's used in Clearmatch for applications, finance agreements, bids, investments and call accounts can be found here