Apply smartfund product mandate details to all investors - investment category

Apply smartfund product mandate details to all investors - investment category

This article will outline the steps on how to apply a smartfund product mandate detail, to all investors. Once the mandate has been created for the selected investment category, if the user selects the option to apply the smartfund product details to all investors, then the mandate details will be copied to each investor that belongs to the same investment category.  This will be used if a global change is required.

Firstly the smartfund product mandate for the investment category needs to be created (which can be completed following the instructions in this article). If a smartfund product mandate has already been created, continue to follow the steps below: 

1. Log in to Clearmatch Fusion:

2. Navigate to  Home Pages  >  Investing :  

3. Select  Investment Categories  under  Setup

4. Once redirected to the  List Investment Categories  page, select the investment category that the smartfund product mandate needs to be created for:

5. The  Display Investment Category  page for the selected Investment Category is shown: 

6. Once the correct investment category has been selected, click on the  Action Panel   >  Smartfund    Apply Smartfund Product Mandate Details To All Investors

7. From the drop down list, select the Smartfund Product Mandate that needs to be applied before entering the  the credentials (namely authorisation code) of the person making changes to the smartfund product mandate and the username and authorisation code for a supervisor needs to be entered:

Click on the   button to apply the mandate to all investors or the   button to return back to the  Display Investment Category screen. 

NOTE  Smartfund mandates will need to be activated before they can be used, details on how to do this can be found in this article .

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