Add smartfund product mandate to an investor

Add smartfund product mandate to an investor

The Smartfund logic to place bids automatically for investors, makes use of mandates that are defined by investors to ensure that bids are placed as per their financial requirements. These mandates will be able to be defined by finance company users on behalf of investors. There are different levels of investors, and all will have a different level of mandate sophistication e.g. Wholesale, Retail, etc. 

Finance companies are able to define smartfund product mandates against each investor.. 

You will only be able to create new smartfund product mandates with a new effective date. Editing of existing mandates is not allowed for auditing and historical purposes . 

Important Note: Before attempting to add a smartfund product mandate, please ensure that the smartfund mandate options are defined. If this is not defined, the following message will be displayed: 

Follow the steps provided in the article here on how to define smartfund mandate options.

To add a Smartfund Product Mandate to an Investor please refer to the steps below:

1. Log in to Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials:

2. Navigate to  Home Pages  >  Investing :  

3. Select the  Investors option under Fund Accounts :

4. Use the Filter Options to search for the investor (click on the  button once the filter selection has been made):

5. Once the investor has been found, select them (by clicking on the link via their Name ):

6,. This will redirect to the Display Investor page. Select the  Action Panel Smartfund  Add Smartfund Product Mandate :

7.  The  mandates page has mandatory fields that need to be filled in, which include the following:
Effective Date : The date that the changes will take effect or be applied. This should only be the current date or a future date.
Mandate Title : Provide a title or a unique name to the mandate that you are creating.
Finance Company : Select the finance company from the drop down list.
Originator Group : Select from a drop down list of the existing originator groups that are available. 
Product : Select from a drop down list of the existing products that are available to the originator group.

Once the details have been added click on the   button to continue.

8.  On the  Application Details screen, the following details need to be supplied before clicking on the    button to continue: 
Minimum  and the  Maximum Bid Amount  - this defines the range that is allowed for the bids for this investor.
Minimum  and the  Maximum Finance Agreement Amount  - This defines the range of finance agreement that the investor will be allowed to bid on.

9. On the  Application Allocation  screen, there are mandatory fields that need to be filled in, which include the following:
Minimum Allocation Commitment : This is where the finance company agrees to give the investor a minimum percentage of each qualifying application in recognition of a commitment agreement. Attempts will be made to never give them less than this commitment amount.
Maximum Allocation Commitment : This is where the finance company agrees to give the investor a maximum percentage of each qualifying loan in recognition of a commitment agreement. Attempts will be made to never give them more than this commitment amount. 
Maximum Percentage Of Funds : The amount that the investor can bid on an application may not be more than a percentage of the (available balance on the fund account + total outstanding balance of all investments for the investor in the asset class (less written off accounts) - escrow balance).
Primary Credit Rating : The investor is able to define the following which applies to the credit ratings at application level.
      Maximum % : This is the maximum % that the investor is willing to bid on applications with this credit rating. 
      Max Finance Agreement Size : This is the maximum finance agreement amount that the investor is willing to bid on for this credit rating. 

When the details in the  table have been supplied, click on the    button to include the details. Details can be removed by clicking on the    button net to the relevant line you wish to remove. 

Once all details have been entered, click on the   button to continue.

10.  On the Borrower Details  screen, there are input fields that can be completed that allow the investor to control the bid placed on applications based on details that are specific to the borrower. Example only bid on borrowers between the ages of 25 and 55. Only bid on borrowers that reside in New Sourh Wales etc. 

Further down the page, are a series of columns for  Preferred Employment Status    Employment History Preferred Type Of Residence  and  Preferred States  which has options that can be moved from the left hand side (the available options to be selected) to the right hand side (the options that have been selected). 

The actions of the arrows are outlined below:
 - this will move a single option from Available to Selected 
 - this will move a single option from Selected to Available
 - this will move all options from Available to Selected
 - this will move all options from Selected to Available

11. Portfolio allocation by finance type.  Allows the investors to specify the maximum percentage of their portfolio invested for specific finance types. Example an investor may want 90% of their portfolio allocated to finance agreements that are for "consolidation of debt" and only 5% of their portfolio allocated to finance agreements for weddings. 

When the details in the  table have been supplied, click on the    button to include the details. Details can be removed by clicking on the    button net to the relevant line you wish to remove. 
Once complete, click on the   button to continue.

12. Portfolio allocation by source of business. Allows the investors to specify the maximum percentage of their portfolio invested for specific source of businesses. Example an investor may want 90% of their portfolio allocated to finance agreements that originated through a specific marketing source. 

When the details in the  table have been supplied, click on the    button to include the details. Details can be removed by clicking on the    button net to the relevant line you wish to remove. 
Once complete, click on the    button to continue. 

13. Portfolio allocation by terms. Allows the investors to specify the maximum percentage of their portfolio invested for specific terms. Example an investor may want 90% of their portfolio allocated to finance agreements that are taken for a 12 month term and only 5% of their portfolio for finance agreements for a 6 year term.

When the details in the  table have been supplied, click on the    button to include the details. Details can be removed by clicking on the    button net to the relevant line you wish to remove. 
Once complete, click on the    button to continue. 

14. Portfolio allocation by credit rating. Allows the investors to specify the maximum percentage of their portfolio invested for specific credit grade rarting. Example an investor may want 90% of their portfolio allocated to finance agreements that are A rated.

When the details in the  table have been supplied, click on the    button to include the details. Details can be removed by clicking on the    button net to the relevant line you wish to remove. 
Once complete, click on the    button to continue. 

15. Portfolio allocations by insurers, insurance brokers and insurers credit ratings.  Allows the investors to specify the maximum percentage of their portfolio invested for specific insurers , insurance brokers and insurers credit ratings. 

When the details in the  table have been supplied, click on the    button to include the details. Details can be removed by clicking on the    button net to the relevant line you wish to remove. 
Once complete, click on the    button to continue. 

16. On the  Authorisation  screen, the credentials (namely the authorisation code) of the person creating the mandate and the username and authorisation code for a supervisor needs to be entered:

Click on the   button to create the new mandate. The   button can be selected to return to the previous step or the   button can be selected to return back to the  Display Investor   screen.

17. Once the new mandate has been created it will be visible under the Smartfund Product Mandate tab (or Quick Links if enabled), at the bottom of the page:

18. The newly created Smartfund product mandate will not be active and not be used by the Smartfund BOTS engine until it is activated. This link contains the steps on how to activate a mandate once it has been successfully created. 
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