Assign an investment category

Assign an investment category

Investment categories allow finance companies to categorise investors e.g. institutional investors, wholesale investors, retail investors. This gives the business the ability to assign certain functionality in the platform to certain investment categories. 

Investment categories are used to define many features that are available to investors such as:
- Default investment options
- Default automated repayment frequencies 
- Default mandates

This article will illustrate the steps required to assign an investment category to a customer that has already been created. 

1. Login to Clearmatch Fusion with the relevant credentials: 

2. Navigate to Home Pages > Investing:

3. Select the  Investors option under Fund Accounts:

4. Search for the investor using the Filter Options (click on the  button once the filter selection has been made):

5. Once the investor has been found, select them (click on the link via the Name):

6. This will open the Display Investor screen for the selected investor. Click on the Action Panel  > Update > Investment Category:

7. Select the Investment Category from the drop down list  and click on the  button to assign the investment category to the investor:

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