Uploading, viewing and importing a bank statement

Uploading, viewing and importing a bank statement

Uploading a Bank Statement 

Statements from the bank will need to be uploaded into Clearmatch. Statements are uploaded to a bank account against a specific warehousing entity.

1. Log into Clearmatch Fusion with the appropriate credentials NOTE: A system user with the relevant security access (and a clearance level of 'Internal User') will need to log in to be able to upload bank statements: 

2. From the main menu navigate to Banking > Bank Statements

3. The bank statements screen will appear blank and show no available options. Simply select the warehousing entity that the bank account belongs to from the Warehousing Entity drop down list:

4. The main Bank Statements screen will then show different options under the various headings. Select the Upload Bank Statement File option under Daily Processing:

5. All of the fields in the Upload Bank Statement screen are mandatory:

5a. The Warehousing Entity is a drop down list with all of the available warehousing entities for the finance company. By default, it will automatically populate with the name of the warehouse entity company that was selected previously (in Step 3). If the incorrect warehouse was selected accidentally, choose the correct one from the drop down list:

5b. The Bank Account is a drop down list with all of the available bank accounts that are associated with the warehousing entity from the previous option (5a):

5c. Click on the Browse link (next to the cloud icon ) to search for and select the physical bank statement file: 

5d. When selected, it will open the File Explorer window to find the location where the bank statement is stored:

5e. Once found, it will then display the name of the file that was uploaded (to ensure that the correct file was selected):

5f. The Statement Date field allows you to enter a date which is relevant to the bank statement uploaded and you can use an older date if/when required. If the date is the current day, click on the Today link which will automatically insert the date:

5g. The Description is a text field that allows you to add more details about the bank statement, but will have the default words “ Bank Statement ” displayed:

5h. By default, the File Name field will have the details of the file provided under section 5e, but more details can be added (with a 330 character limit):

To continue, press the  button. To exit out of the upload bank statement process, click on the button. NOTE: If the Upload button is selected, it will automatically navigate back to the Bank Statements page. If the Cancel button is selected, it will display an alert prompting if the option to cancel is required:

Selecting the  button will return back to the Upload Bank Statements screen while selecting the  button will navigate back to the Bank Statements screen.

Viewing an Uploaded Bank Statement

1. After uploading a bank statement, in order to view this click on the Bank Uploads option under List (on the main Bank Statements screen):

2. The bank statements will be ordered by the date and time that it was uploaded so the most recent will show at the very top. Find the bank statement in question and select the link (either via the Created On date or Bank Statement Date):

3. This will show minor details of that bank statement but if the Documents option is selected from the drop down list or quick link (if enabled), there is the option to drill down further into the bank statement (by selecting the Bank Statement  link under the Description or download it to open and review by selecting the Download link under Download):

4. If the bank statement needs to be reviewed, select the Bank Statements option from the drop down list or Bank Statements quick links (if enabled) and select the item under the Statement Date:

5. This will open the details of the statement and there are three tabs available to view transactions in their different states - Allocated But Not Posted, Posted and Unallocated Items.

When a bank statement is first imported, the transactions will all appear under the Unallocated Items tab.

Importing an Uploaded Bank Statement

After successfully uploading a bank statement and then viewing it, the statement will then need to be imported.

Following steps 1-3 under the Viewing an Uploaded Bank Statement section, while on the Display Bank Statement Upload screen, click on the Actions Panel  > Functions > Import:

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